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Tags: Smut! Jin x Reader, you're a boss ass bitch, Jin's your bf, he surprises you with romance, two fucks for the price of one

Word Count: 2901

The heels of your red bottoms clacked noisily on the pavement as you stomped to the curb to hail a taxi. A couple of businessmen who lined the street next to you raked their eyes over your figure which was accentuated by your form-fitting black skirt suit. You had asked your tailor to raise the hem of the pencil skirt so you could move more freely, but if you had known how many men would shamelessly ogle, you may have kept its original length.

On second thought, no. You should have raised it even higher.

After glaring at the men only to receive hungry smirks from them, you barked in Japanese at them to keep their eyes to themselves. One's face reddened as he hurriedly shifted his attention back to the bustling street, but the other raised his eyebrows as his smile widened.


You scoffed at him as a taxi pulled to the curb in between the two of you. He took a step towards the cab, but you quickly strode to the back door before his hand could even reach for the handle. As you opened the door, you sweetly told him to fuck off. He stood there with his mouth hanging open, appalled at your blatant disrespect, and you slammed the door in his face.

"Kioicho," you snapped at the taxi driver as he looked at you through the rearview mirror. Thankfully he quickly caught on to your sour mood and wordlessly began driving towards your hotel.

Business trips had never been your favorite, and this one was no exception. Why you had chosen a profession domineered by men was beyond you. The last meeting of the week had gone over schedule nearly two hours, mainly because the jerks around the table kept steering the conversation away from your pitch to discuss their plans for the weekend. Although you had managed to maintain your cool, you had been this close from letting the pigs know exactly what you thought about their plans to close down the strip clubs later that evening.

As you shifted in the backseat to cross your legs, you noticed your nude, sheer tights had a run on your upper right thigh. You closed your eyes and exhaled slowly, trying to hold back the tension headache that was forming behind your eyes. You really didn't need a wardrobe malfunction as a cherry on top of the shit sundae that week had been.

Once you felt you had regained your composure, you pulled your phone from your jacket pocket to quickly order a replacement pair of tights for your return to the office on Monday, seeing as the ones you were wearing were your back-up pair. Your mood soured further as you noticed you had no messages from your family or boyfriend checking in on you. The moment you received the confirmation of your order, you tossed your phone onto the taxi's backseat and moodily gazed out the window the remainder of the drive.

The taxi finally pulled into the Kioicho lot and you wordlessly tossed enough cash to pay for two taxi rides towards the driver. Before he could thank you, you were gracefully sliding out of the cab and slamming the door behind you.

You kept your gaze straight ahead of you as you strode through the lobby and straight to the elevator. The doors opened and a couple abruptly pulled apart from a passionate embrace, clearly having been caught. They giggled and bashfully apologized with flushed cheeks, but you kept a bored look on your face as you pushed past them into the lift. They clamored away, and once the doors closed, you sighed in relief.

Finally alone.

Your fingers began to undo the top few buttons of your crisp white blouse and you daydreamed of the bath you were going to draw once you were in your suite.

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