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Tags:  Smut! Jungkook x Jimin, Jungkook is a football prodigy, Jimin is the cheer captain, this is a cliché trope but lemme tell you the sex is NOT, dom/sub dynamics, Jungkook is very whipped, butt plugs and blow jobs and spandex, oh my!

Word Count: 3883

Jungkook was trying to concentrate. 

Really, he was.

That evening was the big rivalry football game against his school's arch nemesis university.  Jungkook knew he should be at least a little nervous, at least a little anxious about winning the game, but he just...wasn't.  It was almost the end of the season, and his team was undefeated.  Jungkook couldn't help but be a bit prideful because he knew their success was thanks to him.

You see, Jungkook was just a freshman, but he was the best quarterback his school's football team had ever seen.  He could remember the day he met Coach Bang; he was a junior in high school, all lanky limbs and wiry muscles, big doe eyes and an even bigger toothy grin.  Sure, he was small, but he could throw a fuckin' ball.  Bang was so impressed that he offered Jungkook a full ride athletic scholarship before he had even decided whether he was going to college or not.

So there Jungkook was now, a few inches taller and broader, his cleats digging into the turf as he ran through the warm-up drills Coach Bang barked at him and the team.  Jungkook checked the playbook wrapped around his forearm before calling out the next play, doing his best to keep his eyes on the pigskin his center, Namjoon, clutched in front of him.  But then he heard a loud, familiar laugh on the sidelines.

Namjoon snapped the ball to Jungkook, and it bounced pathetically off the quarterback's padded chest as he stood in the middle of the field dumbly, blatantly staring at the cheer squad warming up on the track through the thin slat of his helmet.  Well, more specifically at the junior captain...

"Kook, earth to Kook?" Namjoon called back, but Jungkook was already gone, the play – shit, the entire field, the entire fucking stadium – forgotten.  Because the cheer captain, the president of the junior class, the peer educator and organizer of the campus food pantry – Jimin – was stretching, and Jungkook genuinely didn't think even an asteroid hurtling towards earth could tear his gaze away from the sight.

Jimin folded his body in ways no human should be capable of, the entire time shamelessly looking over his shoulder, between his legs, around others in his squad to maintain magnetic eye contact with Jungkook.  Jimin bent over, his shapely ass facing out to the field, very intentionally giving Jungkook a nice view of the spanx underneath his uniform skirt and wiggling his backside before lowering himself into the splits.  As he shifted his splits from one side to the other, Jimin glanced back at Jungkook and winked, making Jungkook's jockstrap considerably tighter than it already was.

When Jimin stood and walked toward the gate leading to the concession stand, jerking his head at Jungkook in a "come hither" motion before shooting him a sly grin, Jungkook felt his breath catch in his throat.  Then, like a robot under mindless control, Jungkook stiffly walked over to Coach Bang, ignoring Namjoon's annoyed and questioning yells.

"Hey Coach, I uh – I gotta go to the bathroom real quick," Jungkook mumbled.  The short, stout man barely looked up from his clipboard.

"Yeah, no.  Shoulda gone in the locker room earlier, dipshit, get back to your drills.  The game starts soon," Bang grumbled into his papers, paying minimal attention to Jungkook, who was already fidgeting in his tight pants.

"Okay, I guess I'll just squat at the fifty-yard line, pinch off my wet emergency shit there," Jungkook said a bit more urgently, and Coach Bang's head snapped up, his face twisting in disgust.

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