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IMPORTANT: I hope my writing can be a source of solace for anyone that needs it.  With that said, the LAST thing I want to do is distract from the voices that are screaming for justice.  If for any reason my content feels detracting to my black readers, PLEASE tell me.  I will step back and pass the mic the moment I'm told.

Stay safe, stay loud.


Tags: Smut! Yoongi x Reader, texting au (?), you're a waitress at a shitty bar and grill, Jin is your shithead coworker but we love him anyway, drunk phone sex, sober real sex, SO MUCH flirty banter because anytime I write Yoongi I MUST include bickering idk why let's just go with it

Word Count: 11,529

"Hey, can we get some more ranch?"

You resisted the urge to scream and instead plastered a bright smile on your face.

"Of course! I'll be right back with that."

While balancing a large tray of dirtied plates and strewn silverware on your shoulder, you skirted around tables, blissfully ignorant customers, and stray pieces of food as you hurried toward the kitchen in the back. As you went, you pretended not to notice how three of your tables waved you down.

It was Friday night, and your beloved place of employment – The Wheel – was absolutely slammed. The growing list of things you needed to do cycled through your head.

Drop off dishes.

Grab three ranches.

Take table 7's order.

Check on 10 and 12.

Grab drinks from the bar.

Keep an eye out for food to run.

You ran around like a chicken with its head cut off, but you were in your zone. Your feet never stopped moving and your mind was sharp. So far all of your customers had left the family-owned business satisfied, and you planned on keeping it that way. There were few things that could throw you off, but of course one of them grabbed your attention as you hurried to the server station to send an order in to the cooks.

"Hey, Y/N, can you do me a solid?"

When your coworker's hand closed around your wrist as you raised it to punch the order into the computer system, you flinched and turned to give her a level stare.

"I'm a little busy, girl," you said lowly, returning your eyes to the screen and freeing your arm so you could submit the order to the kitchen.

"I know, but my period cramps are killer tonight, I can't hang. You're always looking for extra shifts and tips and shit so I figured you might wanna take table 4 and 5 for me."

Adding two four tops to your section would probably kill you, but she wasn't wrong. You could really use the extra tips. Last month you had barely made rent, even after cutting back on your grocery budget. So you sent up a silent prayer your feet wouldn't fall off and you wouldn't lose your mind by the end of the night as you nodded and said,

"Yeah, sure. I can take them."

"You're a life saver!" your coworker exclaimed before she turned on her heel and hurried toward the bar.

After she left, you looked at tables 4 and 5; they were empty but she hadn't bothered clearing them off. She didn't act like she planned on it either, so you huffed out a breath and gathered the plates, half-eaten baskets of fries, and crumpled up napkins littering the table. There was enough of a mess that you needed to take two trips.  When you returned from your first, you again resisted the urge to scream at the top of your lungs.

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