(b)l(oo)d II

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Part II of II

TW: mentions of suicide, ageism (lol)

Tags:  More smut after lots of lead up! Make sure you read part 1's tags! Hoseok interviews his vampire, yes that is a movie reference, if you understand you pass the vibe check, flirty fluff (this is the friends to lovers part yay), Jin is still angsty but less so, ghostly blow job and undead love making

Word Count:  7913

Jin woke up to silence

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Jin woke up to silence.

He was disoriented for a moment, until he remembered.  He glanced at his clock.  It was a few minutes past one in the morning.  Usually Jin woke up an hour or so after sunset.

This night was different. 

Staying in bed forever sounded nice, but there was a twinge in Jin's bladder and a rumble in his stomach.  Jin had needs to attend to.  Which meant he needed to leave the confines of his bedroom.  Which meant he might need to interact with the ghost of Hoseok again. 

But maybe it had all been some wild dream.  Or maybe Hoseok had been using some hardcore psychedelics when Jin drank from him.  It wouldn't be the first time that had happened.  This could all be a wild hallucination, a bad trip.

Or maybe the ghost had found an escape.

Jin hoped so.

So he gathered his courage, threw back his covers, and padded to the door.  Then he opened it.  Peeked his head out. 

And his heart dropped to his ass.

"Hi," a small voice said from the sofa. 

Jin panicked.

He ignored the timid greeting, ignored the wide-eyed stare pointed at him, and ran to the bathroom in the hallway. 

While he peed, he weighed his options. 

Did he need to talk to the ghost?  What were they going to talk about?  Jin figured Hoseok wanted answers, but Jin didn't really have any.  Hoseok knew enough.  The man was dead because Jin killed him.  Now they were both stuck in Jin's apartment.  Well, Hoseok was.  Jin supposed he could leave, go for a walk if he needed to. 

That was a nice option.

Jin didn't know the right thing to do.  It had been so long since he needed to use his rusty social skills, to have actual conversations with people.  And suddenly there was an apparition in his home.  Jin really wanted him to go away.  He wanted to suffer in silence, to be miserable in peace. 

Maybe if Jin pretended he wasn't there, Hoseok would just...


Ghosts could do that, right?

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