
10.8K 146 138

And that's totally okay!!!
Just read the tags, and if you know you won't like it, don't read it. Please. PLEASE!

Tags: Smut! like oh my god lol this is pure filth. Jungkook x Reader, established switch relationship, BUTT STUFF, this is ENTIRELY butt stuff, reader receiving, bondage, mild breath and impact play, degradation (slut language), anal fingering, rimming, butt plugs, anal sex, our motto is 'weird but good,' I am not easing you into this so READ WITH DISCRETION, if you don't know what any of this means you're probably not mature enough to read it

k thx enjoy

Word Count: 7878

(face down, ass up, that's the way we like to — )

"Fuck," Jungkook's voice growled from behind you. "Fuck, baby, fuck."

It was difficult telling what exactly was pooling beneath your face. Most likely it was drool. But it could have been your sweat. Or maybe it was tears. Anyway, you weren't sure – but whatever it was stuck to your cheek as Jungkook reached down to press your face harder into the mattress.

This was your favorite position to be in.

Well, one of them.

Jungkook was kneeling on the mattress behind you. He leaned over you, one hand on the nape of your neck and the other gripping the flesh of your hip like you would run away if he let go. Which was dumb because hell no you weren't going anywhere. There was no place you would rather be than at the mercy of Jungkook, your breath wheezing out of you and the skin of Jungkook's hips slapping against your ass as he pounded into you. You spread your knees apart a couple inches, that way it was easier for you to arch your back for him.

He loved it when you did that.

A few strands of your hair fell into your eyes when Jungkook picked up his pace, jostling your body forward with every thrust. You would reach up and push it aside if your hands weren't tied behind your back. The hemp rope holding them was just tight enough to rub the skin of your wrists raw. It hurt a little bit, but fuck if you didn't love it.

The grip Jungkook had on your neck disappeared and you were suddenly jerked backward by your wrists. Your boyfriend pulled down on the rope until you could wiggle upwards into his lap, sitting up so your back was pressed against his broad, hot, sweaty chest.

"S-sir – "

One of his big hands came up to wrap around your jaw and two fingers shoved into your mouth, effectively cutting your words off. His other hand gripped your waist as he continued rolling his hips up into you. With each ragged breath he rasped into your ear, his abs contacted against yours fingers trapped between your bodies.

"Made for me, take me so good, so perfect," Jungkook groaned, his damp lips grazing the shell of your ear. You choked and moaned around his fingers, your saliva and tears collecting on your chin. "Aren't you, baby? Perfect, greedy slut for me, yeah?"

When he asked the question, he dragged his fingers past your lips and down your neck. You couldn't control the strangled noise that clawed its way from your throat as he firmly squeezed right under your ears.

You nodded, wordlessly pressing your knees into the bed as leverage so you could grind against him.

Jungkook stopped moving, and you whined.

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