the translator, two.

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hiccup was fed up with his father.

first of all, he actually did shoot down a night fury, and he even nearly shot down a changewing, when it was invisible! hiccup patted himself on the back happily.

hiccup haddock, someone who could barely lift up an axe, was able to shoot down a night fury, one of the rarest dragon species of all time, and if he had seen correctly, both the night fury and changewing had fallen towards raven point. 

hiccup closed his book, and sneaked out of the village. he had to go kill the night fury to show to his father. and finally, he would get himself noticed, and not in a negative light as well. he would deserve the title of being the chief's son, then.

so, hiccup set off to his journey in the woods. and after several times where he got whacked by branches, slammed face-first into trees, tripped over vines and facepalmed into dirt, hiccup was even more frustrated than before. 

"are you kidding me?" hiccup groaned. "some people lose their socks, or their mugs, hell — gobber even lost half of his limbs, but i manage to lose a whole dragon! how is that even possible?"

as if the gods themselves had heard hiccup, hiccup fell facefirst onto grass, and was face to face with the night fury. an embarassing scream echoed in the clearing as hiccup looked at the dragon in shock, stumbling backwards and pressing his back against the wall, breathing heavily.

"oh, wow. i did it! i did it! this fixes... everything!" he planted a leg on the dragon's back. "i have brought down this mighty beast!" 

hiccup immediately ran away from the dragon in fear when the night fury glared at him, slits as eyes. he intaked a deep gasp of air, nearly choking on his saliva.

"i'm going to kill you, dragon. i'm gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father. i'm a viking. i am a viking!" hiccup brought the dagger and threatened the dragon, and hiccup thought to himself, why am i even doing this monologue again? it's not like dragons understand how vikings talk.

but when he saw the frightened eyes of the dragon, hiccup finally gave him, and admitted to himself, "i did this." he looked at the dragon that was whimpering, and he sighed, before starting to cut the ropes. the dragon's eyes immediately snapped open, and leaped towards hiccup.

hiccup shrieked, and passed out.

the next time he interacted with a dragon again, it was at the dragon arena. hiccup felt sick to his stomach. his legs felt like noodles. honestly, he felt like he was going to pass out again. for the second time this week. it hadn't even been wednesday yet.

2 days had passed since he had shot down the night fury, and 1 day since he had last visited him. and now, hiccup was beating himself over and over (but in his mind, of course; the price for being a viking and having a brain was having a fragile skull) for not killing the night fury. he was tied up, helpless; he could've easily killed the dragon then.

"welcome to dragon training!" gobber grinned, waving his hook around like a madman. hiccup ignored how the hook nearly grappled his face off.

"no turning back," astrid said. hiccup felt his eyes glued towards astrid. she was absolutely perfect in every way: pretty, a dragon killer, and someone way out of hiccup's league. her blond hair seemed to glisten in the sunlight. 

"i hope i get some serious burns," tuffnut said, clapping his hands together eagerly. the blond-haired twin ran a hand through his long hair, winking at the audience in the stands. the woman (who hiccup remembered had children) scoffed and turned her head away.

"i'm hoping for some mauling, like on my shoulder or lower back." tuffnut's female twin, ruffnut, rubbed her hands together, grinning. hiccup didn't want mauling, especially not the pain that came with it as well. 

astrid contributed to the conversation. "yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it." 

"yeah. no kidding, right? pain. love it." hiccup said sarcastically, as the words you're doomed, you're doomed, you're going to get eaten or burnt or lose a limb like gobber and have a prosthetic left leg or something echoed in his head.

tuffnut rolled his eyes. "oh, great. who let him in?"

gobber tried to break up the fight. "let's get started! the recruit who does best will win the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village." 

hiccup didn't bothering listening. it wasn't like he was going to kill the dragon, anyways. the situation with the night fury only proved him right.

snotlout sniggered. "hiccup already killed a night fury, so, does that disqualify him or...?" all the children laughed, and hiccup felt some hurt to see astrid laughing as well. defensively, hiccup was prepared to retort, but gobber had already leaned down.

"don't worry. you're small and you're weak. that'll make you less of a target! they'll see you as sick or insane and go after the more viking-like teens instead."

hiccup stared at gobber, then narrowed his eyes. "is that supposed to make me feel better? because it really isn't."

after nearly getting eaten to death by a gronckle, hiccup headed back towards the clearing where he had last seen the night fury. some part of him was wondering if the night fury would be back again, and the other part of him was trying to kill the dragon so he could prove himself to everyone.

he sighed at the emptiness. "well, this was stupid." he saw a black dragon scale lying on the grass, then noticed the black dragon trying to fly away. so, he whispered to himself, "then why don't you just... fly away?"

"because you shot his wing down, fish-brain," he heard someone snap at him, and hiccup turned towards the sound with a jolt of fear.

"who are you?"

"it doesn't matter. i think the better question is, who are you?"

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