the translator, twenty-nine.

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hiccup flew towards drago. his mother was thrown towards the snowy peaks, and he still hadn't found elina. "stop!" he shouted at drago, jumping off toothless's back. he dropped his helmet to the ground as drago just laughed.

"daughter! come out, come out, meet your pathetic little dragon master," drago laughed. 

daughter? hiccup thought to himself. was that the girl dad was talking about?

but elina stepped out from behind drago. hiccup felt his eyes widen in betrayal as he watched his enemy's daughter and his girlfriend, his beloved walk towards him. everyone was shocked; the gang started whispering to each other in disbelief, all carrying different expressions. stoick immediately stepped forward, but valka put a gentle hand over his heart, but her face was no different from hiccup's.

even toothless growled, narrowing his eyes into slits as he bent down to look at elina. hiccup felt a stab in his heart; why didn't elina tell him about it beforehand? and why was she with drago?

despite looking the same, held herself with a different sort of air. hiccup immediately noticed the increase of scars around her face, neck and back; her face held several fresh scars, and hiccup fought the urge to immediately run towards elina and wrap his arms around her, whispering, "are you alright?" because this elina was completely different.

unlike her usual, natural, cheerful appearance, she looked tired as if she was only putting on this facade under someone's orders. her skin was ashen white, and her knuckles gripped the weapon so tightly that hiccup could imagine the cracks that was currently breaking through the weapon. 

her sweet, honey brown eyes now looked dead. like hallways that never ended, and hiccup found himself now seeing the similarity between the two of them. because before, elina's eyes were glowing, sparkling with joy, but now, her eyes looked just like her father's, except it was more empty while drago's was vengeful and angry. 

however, a smirk was planted on her face as she swung the axe around in her hands. 

hiccup knew elina, because it was forced. this wasn't her.

"ellie?" hiccup swallowed down the bile that was rising to his throat. "what are you doing with him?"

"oh, haddock," she laughed (how could she laugh in a moment like this?), "you think i just went to him? of course not. i've been planning this with my father for years — in fact, even before we met each other!"

hiccup felt his heart sink. "wh — why? i know you, elina. this isn't you. why would you want to side — side with someone who kills dragons for a living? you love dragons."

hiccup had never felt more stupid as elina walked slowly towards him. they were so close that hiccup could still smell cherries and smoke, except this time it was tainted with the iron tang of blood. she circled hiccup.

"it's very ironic that you believed me, no? i thought the son of the chief of berk would be smarter than this. but no, he — and all of you! —" hiccup watched everyone's faces turn dark with either anger, betrayal or sadness, "fell for my act! and it all started with you, hiccup haddock." hiccup wished that this was just a nightmare as everyone's eyes stared into the back of his head, "i made you fall in love with me. 

"in fact, i made you all friends. some of you would even naively call yourself my family." hiccup couldn't even find the words to speak, or rather, the guts to even start thinking. he looked at the girl (she was the one who danced under the stars with him! she was the one who even introduced him to toothless, for thor's sake!), feeling his cheeks flush with heat from the anger. 

"you — why did it have to be you? how can you even sleep at night knowing what you've done? was this all just a lie?" 

but hiccup could only be mad at himself. why was he so stupid? why couldn't he just see through her lies? it was almost a dream that just a few hours ago, elina had been in his arms and he had kissed her forehead. it was almost a dream that just a few hours ago, elina had been tackled to the ground by baby dragons and laughed at them. it was almost a dream that just a few hours ago, elina had been someone else entirely, and now that she finally showed her true colors, hiccup realized how stupid he'd been.

"i won! i tricked everyone! it's so funny how all of you glorify love, thinking it's so wonderful and so beautiful, but i used love to win over all of you. starting with the dragon master." 

"elina, i — it was all just some sick game to you!"

hiccup felt stoick's hand clamp onto his shoulder, but hiccup ignored it. tears came to his eyes and he didn't even bother wiping it as the cold look on elina's face never dropped once. "i thought... gods, i thought that i loved you!"

"funny, haddock. this was all my plan! and you played right into it, like a little puppet." she crawled her fingers up to his shoulder blade, but hiccup couldn't move away. he just wanted it so much to just be a dream. a bad dream. a nightmare that he just wanted to wake up from.

"look, haddock, why would i ever want to be with you? you're just a stupid, little boy that falls in love too quickly. you're so naive, it's almost adorable. and now look at what you've done! you've cost your village and your beastly dragon their lives!"

toothless bared his teeth at her, growling. 

"you're sick, gertrude," snotlout spat at her. hiccup hadn't even noticed the gang moving towards them. elina didn't even move. 

the smirk on her face made hiccup sick. "i might be sick, moron, but don't you forget that i rule your world now!" drago placed a hand on her shoulder. hiccup didn't notice the way elina flinched at his touch. "and, by the way, love," elina continued harshly, her voice trembling slightly as her father neared her, "it's elina bludvist." 

then, elina charged towards the group of 6, and the battlefield erupted into chaos.

THE TRANSLATOR, httyd.Where stories live. Discover now