the translator, three.

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elina woke up to feel something licking her face. she groaned she felt stiff pain in her back and muscles, and she blinked her eyes twice and went to rub them, but realized her hand was wrapped in some cobwebs.

chameleon blinked, staring at her with her yellow eyes. "are you okay? you fainted once you fell from the skies. i had to wrap you up in cobwebs for the blood loss." chameleon asked her. elina eyed at her, and her throat was scratchy and hoarse when she replied, "no. i feel like fish droppings."

toothless bounded towards elina as well, his eyes flashing in nervousness. "i'm sorry, elina," he said timidly, and elina smiled reassuringly at him. "it's fine."

a beat.

"how long was i passed out?"

"2 days." toothless replied guiltily. chameleon whacked him in his chest, making toothless look pleadingly at elina.

"it's okay. really. toothless, can you fly back and bring back some supplies?" elina sighed. all of a sudden, she saw a brown-haired boy — viking! — walk into the clearing, and elina immediately tried to defend herself with her sword, but immediately collapsed. she peeked out from the shadow of the rock. the boy had messy brown hair, green eyes and pale, freckled skin that made him stand up from his fur-skinned clothing. elina shuddered at the thought, but not before going into a spurt of coughs.

seeing how weak she was, chameleon gently nudged elina to move behind the rock, but not before a few grunts of pain, and chameleon turned herself invisible as well. miraculously, the boy hadn't heard her coughing. toothless was busy trying to get some medicine for elina's wounds, trying to fly up, but elina realized that toothless physically couldn't fly because his tail was shot. it was... gone.

a stream of anger shot through elina. 

"well, why don't you just... fly away?"

elina couldn't stop the words coming from her lips. "because you shot half of his tail-wing down, fish-brain," elina scowled. she could see him jump a little bit, trying to find her. elina rolled her eyes.

"who — who are you?" the boy asked curiously, and elina had to remind herself again that even if he didn't act like a viking, he sure was one, and he was the one who hda shot elina and toothless down as well.

"it doesn't matter," elina said curtly. she didn't want to associate herself with a dragon killer, especially someone who had nearly broke her spinal cord. she didn't want him to blabber about her to the other vikings as well. she wanted to keep her identity far away from the people who she once called 'family'. "the million dollar question — who are you?"

"i'm hiccup. hiccup haddock." elina nearly burst into laughter at his name, hiccup. even her parents were sensible enough to not name her something that was a natural response for your diaphram. "hey! don't laugh! my name is supposed to be brave, to fend off enemies..." elina noticed his voice trailing off at the end, but it disappeared as quickly as it had came. "anyways, i'm sure your name is probably just as weird as mine."

"excuse you," elina said, narrowing her eyes offensively. no kid called 'hiccup' was going to offend her name and get away with it. she was going to stand up but the pain in her ribs made her fall to the ground again. elina winced in pain.

"are you okay?" hiccup said, a concerned look overtaking his features. elina was conflicted between whether she should let him help (since he did look pretty genuine) or ignore him (since, you know, he was the whole reason why she got into this mess). "do you want me to bring you over to berk or —"

"no!" elina exclaimed. hiccup look confused. "i mean, no, because i don't really want to... trouble you and your friends."

hiccup sighed. "i-i don't really have any friends. i don't even know if my father really is part of my family. i can barely do what i'm supposed to do." elina was puzzled; why was this boy opening up to her about his life struggles when they had only met for around 10 minutes? but elina wasn't going to refuse, and instead, she patted the space next to her to invite him to sit. elina heard chameleon growl softly, but she didn't respond.

"what do you mean, you can barely do what you're supposed to do? what's up with your father?" elina prodded reluctantly, but her image of him being a murderous and cruel viking was slowly slipping away as she leaned against the rock, hiccup running his hands through his hair, sighing.

"i dunno. since i'm a viking and everything, i'm expected to be this — this dragon killer —" elina had breathed sharply, "but i can't even bring myself to even look at a dragon in the eye. i mean, i did look that night fury in the eye, but then i fainted, like, one second afterwards so i don't think it really counts. my dad wants me to go kill a dragon since he's the chief and he wants me to fulfill his honor, so i'm expected to be tough and burly. but yeah, i'm really not. i'm the complete opposite of my dad, so i'm like a general failure."

elina had a sudden pang of realization when he realized who his father was. when elina escaped from berk, she was 11, and when she was starving and had no place to go, she had been rescued by chameleon. it was a shock for chameleon when she realized that the girl, although being a viking, was completely harmless and incredibly kind towards her species, and when chameleon realized elina was able to speak to her, they had became best friends. since then, she had been building a dragon sanctuary for dragons who had been harmed by the cruelty of the vikings in berk. 

elina still remembered stoick the vast. red bushy hair, around two times the height of elina and incredibly muscular, elina still gulped at the memory of hiccup's father. elina ignored the sharp prick of betrayal, because elina knew from personal experience that blood didn't mean family.

"... and i don't even know why i'm telling you this. i guess it's because you won't judge me. but i know absolutely nothing about you, so it's a little bit weird. feels like a one-sided relationship, but... yeah. so..."

elina gave him a hesitant twitch of the lips. elina wouldn't call it a smile, but it was the closest thing to affection that she was able to give a viking.

she wasn't even sure if viking was the right word to call him anymore. 

maybe she would call him the idiot that broke half of her bones.

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