the translator, eighteen.

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elina sat on her bed angrily. her cheeks were red and her face had tear-stains that she hadn't bothered wiping off. she ignored snotlout's banging on her door, and astrid's questions of concern. the twins even tried to play multiple pranks on her to cheer her up, but it only made her feel worse.

she lay down on her bed, devastated. she sighed and turned sideways, but she still couldn't sleep. she stared at the forest outside, and something washed over her. quickly, elina threw the blanket off her body, and got dressed. she cleaned her room up, and after a bit of contemplation, she brought her dress with her as well.

then, she straightened herself up, and with one last look at her house, she ran. she ran to the forest, to the woods, away from berk and away from hiccup haddock. her feet was aching and she could feel tears streaming down her face as she left hiccup.

god, she hated how she still loved him.

when elina flipped the torch, she was immediately met with flame, who looked at her anxiously when he saw the look of misery on her face. chameleon poked her head out to look at elina, and immediately pulled elina into a hug when the dragon realized what had happened.

"what happened?" chameleon asked as elina sat on the stone steps, her ginger hair in a mess and brown eyes dull.

"we had an argument. he... probably hates me now." elina sighed. chameleon lay down next to her, looking at elina and nodding. 

"i'll go bring toothless over." chameleon carried toothless (who was surprisingly light) to the sanctuary, sneaking him out of hiccup's room. elina sat on the steps, debating on whether she should stay in berk or not.

"he's sorry, el," toothless told elina, and elina shook her head and laughed sarcastically.

"yeah, i'm sure he's sorry," elina buried her face in her hands. "why do i ruin everything? what's wrong with me? first it's my parents, then it's haddock... who's next?"

chameleon and toothless looked at each other, and they both knew that even though elina and hiccup were completely messed up, they couldn't live without each other. chameleon sighed, and looked at elina.

"look, isn't your ball tonight?" elina looked at chameleon. 

"what about the stupid dance?" elina muttered, wiping her tears away. 

"don't let hiccup ruin it for you. you were going with... snotlout, weren't you? good. let's get you cleaned up."

as elina went to wash her face, toothless and chameleon whispered to each other. "how's hiccup?" chameleon asked quietly.

"barely surviving," toothless responded. the two looked at each other as elina stepped out of the bathroom, looking physically more like her old self. chameleon pulled out elina's dress from her bag, and toothless gaped.

"it's gorgeous," toothless whispered in awe.

chameleon nodded. "gods, they're both so stubborn," chameleon growled. toothless agreed.

"wait, who is hiccup going with, then?"

"astrid. the blond-haired one, blue eyes." chameleon's eyes widened.

"oh no," chameleon muttered, walking around in circles. "elina's going to think hiccup replaced her with astrid."

toothless quickly shook his head. "then what do we do?"

"get them to both confess their feelings." chameleon said determinedly. toothless was reminded of elina's face, and he knew that chameleon meant business. toothless gulped.

"and, uh, how do you plan on doing that?"

"thinking in progress."

in the meantime, elina took the dress from toothless and quickly went to her part of the dragon sanctuary to get changed. flame accompanied her (but he quickly darted out when she started changing).

after getting into her dress and fixing her hair (with chameleon's help), elina looked in the mirror, and nearly had a heart attack at herself.

flame looked in the mirror curiously, pawing at elina's reflection, confused. he looked at elina, who still looked stunned.

"you look really nice, miss el," flame said happily, bouncing around in circles. elina smiled.

elina's ginger hair was tied up in a braid-bun, ginger bangs dangling at the front of her face. her dress had flowers sown on it; one of the thin shoulder straps was decorated with vines and lilies while the other side was shoulderless. the top part of her dress acted like a corset, tightening around her waist with a multitude of flowers decorated on the dress. the bottom part spread across the ground like a pool, a beautiful, dull pink color with flowers following the indents of the dress.

chameleon poked her head in and gasped. "oh my god, toothless, look!" toothless stuck his head under chameleon's, and he gasped dramatically as well. elina found herself smiling at both of them as they complimented her.

chameleon looked up. the sun was setting. 

"it's time, elina," chameleon told elina. elina climbed onto toothless carefully as to not crumple her dress. chameleon followed them as flame stayed behind, waving goodbye at the three.

"then what are you waiting for?" elina smiled weakly, and they took off into the skies of berk. it was lonely not having hiccup there with her as they flew through the sky. 

in the meantime, chameleon talked to elina. "elina, hiccup's just jealous of snotlout."

"what? why would he be jealous? it's not like snotlout and i are actually dating."

chameleon exchanged looks with toothless. "hiccup likes you, obviously."

"haddock... likes me?"

toothless groaned. "he looks at you like you put the stars in the sky with your very own hands!"

"then why would he — you know — ignore me?"

chameleon rolled her eyes. "teenage boys and their stupidity," chameleon muttered.

toothless silently agreed.

elina was still surprised by the newfound information. she thought hiccup only thought of her as a friend, nothing more, nothing less. but then she remembered their argument, and shook her head. "well, even if he did have feelings for me, we did just argue. he probably likes astrid or something."

"keep telling yourself that, el. but you should confess your feelings to him before it's too late." toothless realized what chameleon was trying to do, and toothless chimed in, "yeah. hiccup really likes you and both of you ignoring each other isn't going to solve any problems."

elina looked at chameleon. 

"okay. fine. i'll tell him."

( dress = external link )

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