the translator, SNOTLOUT'S PLAN.

469 7 0

❝ you just pretended to love me! you played
my heart like a damn game and you didn't
feel guilty about it at all.  ❞

❝ you think i wanted to hurt you? you
think i actually enjoyed breaking my
own heart as well? i did all that shit
just to protect berk, just to protect
you! ❞

— OR, IN WHICH elina gertrude is going
to find out the truth about her family,
learn to reconcile with hiccup haddock,
and who's this new girl trying to poison
the dragons?

( post httyd 2,
pre httyd: thw )

( post httyd 2,pre httyd: thw )

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and you call me up again just tobreak me like a promise,so casually cruel in the nameof being honest

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and you call me up again just to
break me like a promise,
so casually cruel in the name
of being honest.

THE TRANSLATOR, httyd.Where stories live. Discover now