the translator, thirty-two.

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stoick felt something barrel into him. there was a purple jet of light, and a body fell limp against the ice. everyone held their breaths, including stoick as hiccup staggered to make his way to the girl, running through the wind and the snow without hesitation.

"elina?" he whispered, but it was so quiet that everyone could hear his question. he kneeled to the ground where the girl was laying, screaming, "elina! wake up, come on, wake up!"

stoick's mind was still reeling in shock, and he turned to look at drago who looked completely unfazed at the fact that his daughter had just been murdered by his plot.

stoick watched as hiccup, breathing heavily, moved the icicles off her body in a hurry, before lying on her body, sobs making everyone walk towards them. valka's eyes filled with tears as the couple exchanged solemn looks.

stoick's hands were filled with blood that wasn't his, and he ran towards elina as hiccup did as well. hiccup brushed the ice off of elina's body, and as he finally took off the last piece of ice, hiccup turned elina over. stoick ran over, and he saw how peaceful the girl looked. her ginger hair was splayed across the ice, bits of ice and snow in her tangled hair. her brown eyes were closed, her face filled with cuts and scars. the blood flowing out of her didn't stop, and stoick listened to her heartbeat.

it was unsteady, but it was there. stoick was in shock, but elina just whispered weakly, "don't — don't tell anyone. don't tell hiccup. please." the whisper was so quiet that even the wind masked her voice, but stoick understood what she was saying.

her eyes closed once more, and her heartbeat became slower and slower. valka seemed to heard her as well, and the two looked at each other in shock and they both tried to contain their happiness but masking it with a whimper.

play the part, stoick thought to himself. he would honor elina's wishes since she had saved both him and his son, and nearly sacrificed herself for them as well.

valka shook her head dejectedly towards hiccup, and hiccup's voice broke. "no!" toothless shook his head as his eyes returned back to normal, and astrid and snotlout both ran towards the girl as they went off their dragons.

astrid turned to look at hiccup as snotlout looked at his best friend. "gorgeous?" he whispered quietly, waiting for elina to reply, but elina said nothing. astrid's tears fell onto the girl's limp body, too choked by grief to say anything properly.

hiccup buried his face on elina's armor, his body wracking with sobs. toothless tilted his head in confusion, bounding towards them. stoick had to give toothless some credit because he turned towards stoick and valka, growling, as if trying to say, she's alive, and stoick gave him a tiny nod.

hiccup shoved toothless away. "no! get away from her!" toothless whimpered. "go on, get out of here!"

stoick felt pity for his son; in his eyes, he'd gotten betrayed by the love of his life, then she was killed by toothless. stoick saw the blood that was seeping out of her body, and stoick knew they had to act quickly before she could die from blood loss.

"it's not his fault," valka whispered.

hiccup was too blinded by grief to hear valka's words. stoick gently carried the girl as chameleon timidly walked towards them, lapping up the wounds on her body to act as a layer to stop the blood flow.  

suddenly, chameleon froze. the bewilderbeast controlled the dragons again, and stoick saw the dragons fly towards him. hiccup immediately ran towards drago as he went on toothless's back. "no! toothless!"

"no, don't," valka whispered. stoick held his son back, and valka nodded at him to bring her to gothi. stoick ran towards the ships, identifying gothi's small frame on the wooden fleets. gothi looked at the body stoick was carrying in his arms, and her eyes immediately widened.

she gestured for stoick to put her on the soft cloth as she instructed him to mix a healing poultice. she laid cobwebs over her skin as chameleon's saliva was starting to destruct as a barrier, and stoick took some water, horsetail, plantain and rose and crushed them in a mixture.

he handed it to gothi, who tilted elina's upper half body up and fed her the medicine. elina coughed, spitting some blood out as she groaned in pain.

"am i in valhalla?" she turned to look at stoick, who was relieved beyond measurement. 

"okay, i hope i'm not in valhalla because if not, i died for no reason," she said sarcastically.

"no, you're not dead," gothi snapped and stoick was perhaps even more surprised that gothi could speak.

elina looked like she was about to say something else, but gothi used her cane to gently bonk her head, and she made elina swallow down the rest of the herbal tea. she then gave elina a spoonful of honey, and elina nodded. 

"infection," she explained as stoick watched her. 

"why did you save us?" elina nearly choked on the honey, making gothi hit stoick on the head as well.

elina finished up the honey. "i... was forced by drago to fight on his side of the war to protect you all. drago bludvist is many things, but a liar is not one, and we made an agreement. if i fought with him, hiccup — and all of berk — would not be harmed."

"and the wounds?"

gothi rolled her eyes.

stoick realized what elina was implying, and he stood up (the boat rocked on the ocean). "i'm going to kill drago bludvist," stoick snarled. elina shook her head.

"no. he's too strong. he has ships around berk that he will fire at with no mercy." elina sighed. "i need you to give me a viking burial so no one will suspect anything. if i reveal that i'm alive, drago will want me to join him again, and i can't have that. i don't want anyone else to be hurt."

"but what about hiccup? the boy was devastated over your loss," he said. "he thinks you betrayed him. you understand if you don't tell him the truth, he'll just think of you as a traitor."

elina gave him a sad smile. "we're vikings," she whispered. "it's an occupational hazard." 

stoick was moved by the selflessness of the girl. "come back in one piece, lass." he murmured. "i'm proud to call you my future daughter-in-law. if there's anything, don't hesitate to terror mail valka or i."

elina gave a choked up laugh. "hiccup hates me, everyone does. thanks for not telling everyone." she whispered. she closed her eyes, then opened them in determination. stoick could've sworn he saw a flash of blue in her eyes. "i'll kill the monster myself. drago will sleep with one eye open tonight."

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