the translator, twenty-one.

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elina gave the poultice for hiccup to hold, rolling her eyes.

"how are you not dead yet?" elina told hiccup sarcastically, placing her head on her hands that was propped up by her elbow. elina looked at hiccup in concern, ghosting her fingers over his wounds as toothless snorted from behind hiccup.

"yeah, you tell me," toothless muttered, "i have to save him every time he does something stupid. if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't even be alive now."

elina agreed with toothless, while hiccup protested, "hey, i'm not the one who jumped from, like, the sky into the ocean!" toothless shrugged, as if saying, fair point. elina rolled her eyes, keeping her lips pursed as she forcefully pressed on hiccup's wounds, making him wince.

"exactly my point." elina told hiccup.

"you're a healer, you're supposed to care for my wounds, not make them hurt more!" hiccup whined jokingly, and elina would've kicked his leg if it wasn't injured.

"oh, i'm sorry i didn't kiss your leg to make it less painful," elina cooed in a baby voice. hiccup smirked.

"you can kiss my lips if you want," hiccup grinned at elina, and elina rolled her eyes although a faint blush rose to her cheeks.

"you're a muttonhead," elina sighed. hiccup mock-gasped in offense.

"hey —"

"but you're my muttonhead, so i guess i can't really complain." elina watched hiccup's face morph into a genuine smile as the couple smiled at each other. the moment was ruined when hiccup hissed as the the poultice started working.

"ow!" hiccup said. elina stood up, and used the height difference to kiss hiccup on the forehead as hiccup sat on the chair, watching her get some more. 

"if you want your injuries to get infected, then you can go remove it." hiccup sunk back into his seat, glaring at toothless for sniggering at him. 

"we're gonna head out a bit later to explore uncharted territory. are you coming?" hiccup inquired elina, who poke her head out of the window to check the position of the sun.

elina shrugged, closing the windows again and applying some more of the medicine. "i finished all my duties today, so i can make time for my amazing, clever, genius boyfriend who has no common sense."

hiccup looked at her in confusion. "you just contradicted yourself in that sentence, babe," elina flicked his forehead, making him wince in pain.

"i'm really starting to doubt gothi making you her next successor," hiccup cried out dramatically. "i request another healer!"

"you want gobber to come over to apply the poultice with his metal hook?" elina deadpanned. hiccup's face paled.

"on second thought, i'm very happy with my girlfriend helping me," hiccup smiled at elina, who finally took the jar away from hiccup and placed it to the side of the table. as hiccup moved to stand up, elina's eyes narrowed at him, and said, "sit for at least 10 minutes. let the juice sink in."

hiccup groaned. "please?" he begged, but elina just ignored him.

"oh, and toothless? help me keep an eye on him. you have my permission to bite his right leg off if he doesn't cooperate." hiccup looked at his right leg and gulped. 

"wait, where are you going?"

"to get chameleon." toothless's ears immediately pricked up at the name of his best friend, making hiccup chuckle and scratch his head. 

elina walked through berk. she bumped into gobber along the way, who gave her a wave and said, "how's the youngest healer in a century doing?"

elina's lips twitched up. "the youngest healer in a century is doing great, thank you." astrid was busy sharpening her axe when she passed by her, and snotlout was busy flirting with a girl elina couldn't remember the name of. fishlegs was busy making improvements on the book of dragons.

she walked into the stables and chameleon immediately darted up from her food, growling as elina reached out to pat her. tuffnut and ruffnut's faces poked up from the stable right next to chameleon's, making elina shriek in shock and grab the nearest possible thing — a basket of fish — and threw it at them.

chameleon happily ate the fish that was thrown onto the ground, and barf and belch gobbled up the rest. tuffnut and ruffnut were covered with slimy fish guts as they stared at her, unappreciative. 

"geez, way to be aggressive, elina," tuffnut said. ruffnut rolled her eyes as well, making elina look at them in surprise.

"what were you guys even doing here?"

tuffnut went back to pop his head under the stable, out of elina's view, before popping back up, this time carrying his chicken. the hen clucked at elina, making elina chuckle as she stroked the chicken's feathers. 

"so... you were introducing chicken to barf and belch?" elina guessed.

"precisely, dear elina." ruffnut nodded. elina blinked at the two of them, then decided that she was just going to ignore it.

she led chameleon out of her stable, and the two flew out of the stables. 

"hey, chameleon. did you miss me?" she joked.

"you didn't leave any fish for me," chameleon hissed, and if a dragon would pout, that was how elina would imagine her expression.

"alright, alright. sorry. i'll leave you more fish next time."

they arrived at hiccup's hut, and toothless bared his teeth at hiccup who was fidgeting around, waiting. "is 10 minutes over yet?" hiccup groaned, and elina smiled at him.

"yeah, it is." 

"yay!" hiccup stood up, relieved, and quickly climbed onto toothless. toothless looked at elina as if saying, gods, he's so impatient, and the four of them took off into the skies of berk. 

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