the translator, thirty-three.

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hiccup watched as elina's ship drifted out to sea. even though she'd betrayed him, hiccup still thought it was right for elina to receive a proper burial. snotlout picked the arrows from the ship, and put the arrows next to the bow.

"may the valkyries welcome you, and lead you through odin's great battlefield. may they sing your name with love and fury, so that we may hear it rise from the depths of valhalla... and know that you've taken your rightful place. for a great woman has fallen. a warrior. a friend. a daughter. a lover."

a tear slipped down hiccup's face as gobber's voice choked up. gobber had been a mentor to the girl just as much as gothi had been, and his eyes filled with tears. hiccup's green eyes were dull and lifeless as he breathed heavily, carrying the bow in his hands. he put the arrow to the heated wood, watching the arrow light up in flames. he pulled the string backwards, and released the arrow.

hiccup watched as the arrow landed on the boat, sending the ship into flames. somehow, it didn't feel right that elina died so fast, before he even had time to say anything to her. thoughts wormed through hiccup's head.

why did you save me if this was all some joke? why can't i hate you? why are you so reckless and decided to die? why couldn't you stay a little bit longer? how am i supposed to live without you? why did you do what you did? 

i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you...

hiccup felt hot tears streak down his face, leaving a tear-stain that dripped to the floor, extinguishing some of the fire, but it still kept burning. stoick, valka, astrid, snotlout, fishlegs, the twins, eret, they all held their bow in their hand and released the arrows. it seared through the sky, illuminating the dark night.

hiccup shook his head. "i'm sorry, ellie," his voice trembled. 

at those three words, there was varying expressions. a tear slipped down astrid's face as she watched her friend and a girl that she loved die, and astrid turned her head and buried her head in her hands so she wouldn't have to look the burning ship. the bow dropped from her fingers as she sniffed.

fishlegs sniffled, looking at the boat, unable to peel his eyes away. he wanted elina to come back and say to him cheekily, "do i look like i'm dead?" but as the ship burnt, he realized that elina was never going to come back.

the twins both looked at each other. they couldn't even find the willpower to laugh, to smile, to crack a joke, to do anything. they just looked at each other in sadness, remembering elina's mischievous smirk and the pranks the three had pulled together.

snotlout just wiped the tears away from his cheek, but the tears still stained. he sniffled, trying to keep up his strong act, and kept on waiting for elina to respond, 'princess', with a small grin. he turned his head to look at any direction apart from the ship, because even looking at it made him miss his best friend.

but the expression on hiccup's face made everyone's hearts break simultaneously. 

there was so many things he wanted to say. he wanted to list all the things that he loved about juno, about how absolutely beautiful she was, about how strong, how funny, how adoring, how brave she was. how she had changed his life for the better and how he had fallen head over heels for the ginger-haired girl.

something salty slip down his cheeks. and then all the emotions rose up to the surface, and he cried. he cried for the girl that had left him. he cried for the future they could've had. he cried for the stolen little moments of the night. he cried for her smile, her honey brown eyes, her sneaky little smirk, her acts of mischief. he cried for her, and he cried for him.

she betrayed you, his mind told him repeatedly. don't mourn over someone that played your heart like a twisted game.

but she loves you, his heart whispered. she loves you, so she died for you.

"i couldn't save you in time. and honestly, i still hate you for you know, everything, but i hate you even more because gods, we still love you. all of us do. i don't know..."

stoick walked towards hiccup's direction. "if elina was here, she would be so proud of you. she always believed in you, even when none of us did. she always said that you had to stay true to yourself. she loves you, son."

"elina... she was so brave. all the time. she always supported my decisions, even if they were stupid and incredibly reckless. but elina... she managed to make me fall in love with her. no matter how much i hope this is all just some nightmare, i can't bring her back, and i can't just pretend that she's here with me, listening to what i'm saying. she always told me that i was selfless, that i was brave, only if i tried." 

despite his words, he felt empty. 

(because when she had left, she had taken his heart with her too.)

THE TRANSLATOR, httyd.Where stories live. Discover now