the translator, thirty-one.

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hiccup didn't move until the gang pushed him forward.

"come on, hiccup," fishlegs said, although hiccup could hear the underlying anger in his voice.

"yeah. i still can't believe she betrayed us..." astrid's voice trembled, denial in her tone. her blue eyes were vulnerable and empty.

and now hiccup understood what betrayal was. it was like a crushing blow aimed to his heart; his emotions seemed to detach from his body. he wasn't even in control of his actions anymore as his head spun in shock and anger. his head pounded.

toothless nudged hiccup's peg leg, but hiccup didn't even turn to look at the night fury. 

"which part of me wasn't enough?"

everyone's hearts broke. the tears streamed out of his eyes, his heart feeling like a dead weight as he cried over the loss of his best friend, his lover (and the first person who actually believed in him). 

"you are enough, hiccup." the words reminded him of elina (again!). but he didn't say anything else as drago started moving towards them. even tuffnut was serious in a situation like this.

"come on, hiccup. we'll fight off lina — elina and you get drago, okay?" the other 5 flew off as drago confronted hiccup.

"this is the great dragon master? the son of stoick the vast?" he laughed at hiccup, who felt tiny and all alone. toothless growled, and hiccup was reminded of elina's eyes when he looked into drago's. "what shame he must feel."

hiccup shook his head. "all of this loss... and for what? to become unstoppable? to rule the world?" hiccup took a deep breath, still couldn't believing that elina would betray him and everyone else on berk. "dragons, they — they are kind, amazing creatures that can bring people together!"

drago just put his metal hook into the snow, and with a dark growl, he said, "or tear them apart." he took off his metal armor, and hiccup was shocked to see his left arm being singed off. hiccup backed away, doubt rising back to his head, but hiccup had no doubt that dragons didn't mean it. (toothless bit off his leg just so he could survive, after all.)

"you see, we know what it is to live in fear, to see my village burnt, my family dead, my wife taken, but even as a boy, left with nothing, i vowed to rise above the fear of dragons... and liberate the people of this world. elina is not as stupid as you, dragon master, and she realizes this too. what a pity you didn't find it out sooner."

hiccup felt his heart squeeze. he ignored the lump rising in his throat. "but why a dragon army?"

"well, you need dragons to conquer other dragons," he said.

hiccup protested, "or maybe you need dragons to conquer people... to control those who follow you... and to get rid of those who won't." 

hiccup was filled with disgust as drago laughed. "clever boy," he said. 

"the world wants peace, and we have the answer back on berk, just... let me show you —"

"no!" drago snarled. "let me, show you!"

he waved his cane furiously in the air, shouting a fierce yell. hiccup then realized how elina was able to communicate to dragons (because she'd been working with her father the entire time! of course!)

the bewilderbeast stopped the attack on hiccup's parents, and hiccup was filled with a sense of dread once he realized what was happening. he stayed there, petrified, rooted to the spot as the bewilderbeast came closer to him.

drago chuckled. "no dragon can resist the alpha's command," he snarled, "so he who controls the alpha... controls them all."

the bewilderbeast looked into toothless's eyes, which made toothless flatten himself to the ground, eyes closed. hiccup looked around; all the dragons' eyes turned into narrow lines, but what scared hiccup the most was that elina's irises had turned into narrow slits, and hiccup felt a shocked gasp coming from his lips.

drago also seemed surprised at this turn of events, but he just smirked as he saw his daughter walk towards hiccup. toothless writhed around on the ground, snarling as he tried to fight off the control. toothless and elina both neared hiccup threateningly, and hiccup swallowed as he saw elina handle the sword menacingly.

elina shook her head, and her eyes returned back to normal with panic in her irises. "haddock, i —"

a strangled scream emerged from her lips as the bewilderbeast narrowed its gaze on elina. elina fell to the snow, and hiccup saw blood sinking into the snow, dyeing the patch of ground around them red. her back started bleeding; hiccup hated how he still had the urge to wrap his arms around elina and whisper to her that it was going to be okay, don't cry, i love you.

hiccup saw elina digging her nails in her palms, causing her hands to become bloody. hiccup's eyes widened as everyone turned to look at the red snow along with elina's heartbreaking attempts to throw off the control.

"witness true strength. the strength of will over others." hiccup was revolted by drago; it was as if he didn't care if his daughter was going to die at all. he just stepped over the girl, ignoring the tears that were streaking down her face. "in the face of it, you are nothing!"

hiccup watched as toothless's eyes turned frighteningly into narrow slits. he stood up to drago, as if the dragon was possessing him and he wasn't even in control of his own body.

hiccup wanted to go towards toothless, but hiccup knew that it was going to be a suicide mission. toothless turned to look at hiccup eerily, and toothless backed him towards the icicles. hiccup stretched out a hand to toothless, but toothless wasn't recognizing him.

"toothless, come on. what's the matter with you?" toothless didn't listen to him. "what're you doing? knock it off! stop! snap out of it!" toothless opened his mouth to deliver a sonic blast.

his father ran towards him. "hiccup!"



"dad, no!"

and in that moment, elina's eyes flashed into irises again, and without hesitation, she knocked hiccup and stoick out of the way. 

hiccup barely had time to scream in anguish before she had received the blast. her body fell against the cold ice, making her body limp like a ragdoll. her chest laid still, no sign of breathing or reaction. the impact of her body made hiccup let out a cry of pain, synchronising with the way the battlefield hushed into a stunned silence.

hiccup ran towards the girl, desperate to find any sort of life in elina, but was only left with the mournful wails of the cold november wind. a silence greeted him, causing hiccup to bend over the girl, cold tears running down his face, falling down onto the girl's unmoving body.

the blood sunk into the white snow, flowing out of her bloody scars.

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