the translator, fourteen.

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to sum up the past five months in one word, it would be pain.

when elina had drowned to defeat the red death (or, technically, hiccup defeated the red death, not her, but still), she had fallen into the ocean and everyone presumed she was dead. elina thought she was in valhalla for a while too, before the pain rushed to her and she confirmed herself not to be dead.

she was pretty sure she had broken her ankle, fractured a few bones and there were several bruises and scars running along her back; it was due to pure luck that she didn't die. she was told by chameleon that the reason that she hadn't died of blood loss was because chameleon had transferred some of her blood to elina.

elina didn't know how to feel at that, but she just thanked chameleon.

now she was able to speak dragon as well as having dragon blood in her veins. the only downside was that she couldn't breathe fire or anything cool. she couldn't even turn invisible, which was a shame.

she'd landed on the back of a scauldron, and since the scauldron had learned from the other dragons at the sanctuary that she was no harm, the scauldron let elina rest a while at their place. the news had alerted chameleon, who, in turn, told toothless, but since the vikings couldn't understand dragon-speak, the dragons couldn't really communicate to them that elina was alive.

elina was reminded of the time when she had fallen from the skies due to hiccup haddock, her viking friend, but at least the pain wasn't as bad as the pain that she had experienced. the red death was a nasty little piece of work.

chameleon was able to bring elina food, and after carefully feeding elina cooked fish (by roasting it) for three months, she was able to walk again (with a lot of help from toothless and chameleon, who took time out of their training to help her). after another three months, she was able to stand on her feet and move like a normal person again, so dragon riding came easily to her once more.

elina wasn't really bored for the most part. chameleon loved telling her stories about berk and the sanctuary while toothless focused more on hiccup. chameleon told elina about how berk was more dragon-centered; the places once for dragon 'executions' was now built into a home for the dragons. chameleon also said that berk was so welcoming that they were going to run out of space for dragons, to which elina said that they could use her sanctuary. so, once chameleon had brought (read: forced) hiccup to the sanctuary, hiccup had initially refused the idea. chameleon had even brought flame along so flame could meet elina.

flame had tackled elina into a hug (carefully) and talked her ear off. elina didn't understand a single thing that he was saying, but he was so happy about it that elina let him talk about it anyways.

toothless told elina that anything that reminded hiccup of her would made him pause immediately and go into a sort of depression that made elena's heart ache. every day, hiccup would go to her 'gravestone' and bring her fresh flower bundles along with flame, chameleon and toothless who felt bad for hiccup since he didn't know anything about elina being alive. hiccup didn't really talk to anyone personally. although he was still 'happy go-lucky', people who knew hiccup would know that his smile was anything but similar to his real one.

he would bury himself in work, acting like someone so different from his past self. he never really had much fun anymore, and the only one who got through him was snotlout, tuffnut, ruffnut, fishlegs and astrid.

gods, elina missed him. 

so, after six long months, elina finally gathered the courage to go back to berk. after confirming the time with chameleon and toothless, she flew towards the dragon sanctuary, changed her clothes to more presentable attire, and then she was off.

six months, and she hadn't forgotten the path back to berk. six months, and she still hasn't forgotten hiccup haddock.

she walked past the familiar clearing where she'd first met hiccup, face to face. melancholy made her heart skip a beat, and she climbed down to the meadow. it was taken care of, even when she was dead; there was a gravestone in the middle of the field, and fresh lilies lay on the stone.

elina's breath was shaky as she itched go towards her gravestone. however, she suddenly felt the vibrations on the ground, and flattened herself against the stone wall. she saw someone that she hadn't seen in months walk into the clearing, and elina could've cried.


he'd grown much taller since the last time she'd seen him. he still had the key features from before; the messy brown hair, clover green eyes and pale face, but his facial features were more defined now. elina noticed that his left leg became metal. a limp. elina would laugh at the irony that both him and toothless had their left bottom limb missing. his shoulders were broader as well, and he'd went from wearing the leather tunic and green shirt to a black armor that suited him much better.

carefully, elina slid down the rocks. she was worried that her skills would have died down from not training for so long, but elina was glad to see her mind and attentive skills were as sharp as ever. elina crept behind hiccup, sticking to the sides of the walls as she held her breath.

"hey, ellie. it's been six months — exactly six months since you died. gods, i miss you so much. why do you have to be so self-sacrificial? you promised me you'd be safe." hiccup's tears slipped down his face. "couldn't you have stayed a little bit longer?"

elina could feel her eyes becoming glassy as her vision started to become slightly blurry. she hastily wiped them away, and gave a small, choked up chuckle from behind hiccup.

"i'm sorry, hiccup."

hiccup immediately jumped to his feet in panic and turned to look at her, but when he saw elina, he immediately turned away from her, using his sleeve to wipe his tears away.

"get — get away from me!"

THE TRANSLATOR, httyd.Where stories live. Discover now