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        Keag's POV

         Today is the last of tour. It's December 6th and we are in Las Vegas playing at The Joint. I should be happy that this tour is over, but I'm really not; I'm nervous as fuck. I finally got the balls to do something that I've been meaning to do for the past 6 months, and I'm finally going to do it after the show. What will she say? I'm so afraid that she's going to reject me, and if she does then I don't know what I'll do with myself. No. Don't think like that Keag. She's gonna say 'yes'. She will say 'yes'. I took a deep breath and walked off the bus to meet the others for sound check.

 We did sound check and I went to the dressing room to relax a bit. I took out the box and started to play with it. No one on tour knew of my intentions; not even Jess. Speaking of Jess, she just walked in.

"Hey Keagy!" She exclaimed while slamming the door behind her and jumping on the couch I was on. I quickly closed the box and rushing shoved it back into my pocket hoping that she wouldn't see.

 "Whatcha up to?" She perkily asked me will staring at me with wide eyes and a huge smile.

 "Well someone's happy today." I laughed, casually avoiding her question.

 "SSSHHHHHH!!!" She said while slowly stroking my face causing me to laugh.

 "Are you drunk?" I asked.

 "Pssstttt nooooo!" She laughed at nothing. Before I could say anything else, Vic walked in; more like stumbled in.

 "Heeeyyy guuyyssss!!!" Vic said while sitting on the floor next to the couch. Jess "fell" off the couch and into his lap causing both of them to laugh at themselves.

 "Guys, it's two hours before the show, are you sure you can play tonight?" I asked concerned.

 "Oh yeaaaahhhhh! No problem!!" Jess said with a wave of her hand. She wrapped her arms around Vic's neck and began to show her affection.

 "EEWWWWW!!!!!" I exclaimed and covered my eyes in disgust.

 "SHHHHH you like it." Vic winked at me.

 "No, but seriously guys, I need you guys to be sober tonight. It's really important to me that you guys remember this night."

 "Shhhh relax! We'll be fiiine!" Jess told me as she got up off of Vic, almost falling over, and made her way to the door to exit the room. Vic followed close behind. I DO NOT want to know what they are about to do. I knock at the door surprised me, causing me to jump out of my skin.

 "Uh y-yeah come in." I yelled out. The door slowly opened like in those movies where they're trying to make it a dramatic reveal.

 "AMY!!" I screamed out. I jumped off the couch and ran towards my beautiful girlfriend. I picked her up and sprung her around. I haven't seen her in three weeks and I missed her soooo much.

 "Hey baby!" She exclaimed. She cupped my face and gave me the most loving kiss.

 "I missed you so much Ams!" I grabbed ahold of her once again and held her tight. I pulled away a little bit so I could look at her.

 "Amy, I need you to stay side stage my whole set tonight okay?" I told her.

 "Um, Sure?" She had the most confused look on her face, it was so cute.

 "Good." I gave her a little kiss and lead her to my bus to hang out with the rest of my band. Jess and Vic went to Pierce the Veil's bus to uh, do... Uh.... Sexy time. I got the chills just thinking about my best friend doing that. We got to my bus and I opened the door for her. I think only Austin and Alan are here and I know they aren’t doing the nasty in my bus. I heard Austin yelling and I got a little bit worried about them, but I soon discovered that Alan was just beating him at a video game.

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