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When I got out of the shower, I threw on a pair of black skinnies that were ripped at my thigh and knees, exposing my thigh tattoo. Then I threw on a loose, dark red tank top that exposed my ribs and my tattoo, but covered my piercings and scars. I was starting to style my hair when Vic walked out of my bathroom with a towel loosely hanging from his hips. The window was open so the sunlight glistened off of his wet body. He caught me staring but acted like he didn't see anything.
"All clean?" I asked while turing back to the mirror to finish my hair.
"You know it. I smell like a fuckin flower now." He walked over to me and hugged me from behind and kissing my neck lightly. I smiled to myself and started to straighten my hair again once he pulled away.

I glanced at him in the mirror every now and again. He was looking for clothes and finally found some after about a minute or two. He threw some dark blue boxers on my bed, then some black skinnies, hole free, and finally a warped tour '13 shirt. He picked up his outfit of choice and walked back into the bathroom to change.

A few minutes later, he walked out with only pants on and his shirt thrown over his shoulder. His hair was still wet, but his body was dry. I watched him in awe as he came over to where I was and combed his hair in place.
"What?" He laughed a little noticing me staring at him again. I looked away as my face started to heat up.

"Oh, nothing."

"Oh?" He came up behind me and slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me back to him. He started to lightly kiss and bite my neck. I cleared my throat as I tried to distract myself.

"S-so Uh, when ar-are the buses get-getting to your house?" I awkwardly asked him as I kindly pushed him away so I could finish what I was doing. He laughed and kissed the back of my head before he went over to the bed and laid down. Still without a shirt on.

"Little bit after your driver gets here." he was sprawled out on my bed with his eyes closed.

"Cool. Cool." I finished my hair and reached for my eyeliner, black and red eye shadow and some mascara. I felt a hand on mine.

"Your to perfect for makeup." He turned my head and pressed his lips to mine. My stomach was doing flips. Every time he kisses me I get this feeling. I don't know how to describe it, but it makes me fall more in love with him.

"Thanks, baby." I smiled at him and he moved his hand away from mine. I pulled my hand back away from the makeup. I packed it into my suit case, along with other bathroom stuff and extra clothes. We had 15 minutes until our driver got here so me and Vic decided to go and make sure everyone had everything they needed. Then we walked down the street to the trailer and made sure everything we needed to preform was on there;it was. We walked back to my house, hand in hand. We arrived just as the driver got here.

"Bye Jess. I'll see you soon." He kissed me deeply and smiled. I kissed him back. He let go of me and let me board the bus. When I walked up the 4 stairs to get into the bus, I took a left turn to go into the front of the bus, there were 2 dark blue couches, 1 on each side. There was a mini kitchen further into the bus, right in front of the door that leads to the bunks. A white fridge with the freezer on top, and a sink directly across from it. There was one counter to the left of the sink, right against the wall. There were cabnets lining the bus above us. There was an overall warm feeling in here. There were windows above the couches that were tinted so no one could see into the bus. 

I walked through the skinny door that lead to the bunks. There were 12 bunks; 6 on each side. There was 2 top ones, 2 middle ones, and 2 bottom ones. Below the bottom bunk, there was a drawer to put some of your things in. Then, at the end of the first row of bunks, there was another 6 bunks. All exactlly the same as the others. 

At the end of those bunks, was a tiny bathroom. There was only a small sink, a mirror and a toilet. If we needed to shower then we had to wipe ourselves down with baby wipes. And if you had a take a crap you had to use a public bathroom or a portapoty. And finally, a third door. The door was the same size and shap as the other one. This room was much bigger and spacious. There was a sectional couch that lined the entire room. I looked to my left and saw more tinted windows lining the back and the sides. there were two 24 inch flat screen TVs that were built into the wall. Under each TV, there was an Xbox one and a PS 4. 

In each cabnet underneath, there were 2 controllers for each consol. Making 4 controlers for one consol. I smiled at the thought that this is where I was going to live for the next 2 months with my 4 best friends. Even though I'm the only girl on the bus, it never made things awkward between us. We all loved each other, but in a sibling way. It was really comforting to know that we all had some one to fall on if something went wrong. 

"HEY BUDDY!" Keag threw his arm around my shoulder while taking a deep breath in and slowly letting it out. 

"Nice huh?" I asked.

"Duh! You guys did a hell of a job picking out a bus." He flopped down onto the couch putting his hands behind his head. 

"Acually, Keag, Vic and them picked it out, we just paid for it." I sat down across from him. 

"Well they did a fine ass job." I laughed at him and got up to make sure that everyone was on the bus. I walked out to the front of the bus and saw the rest of the guys trying to get the sound system to work. It took them a while, but they got it to work. We finally started to drive to Fresno. It'll only be a few hours since Fresno is only in North Cali. I sat on the couch and looked out the window, just in time to see Vic getting into his car to head home to get on his bus.

Vic's POV

        I sat in my car and watched as their bus took off towards Fresno. Before I started to drive home, I sent Jess a quick text.

Hey beautiful :) Just wanted to say have a safe trip. I'll see you soon. I love u. <3

I locked my phone and started to drive home. 


I pulled into my driveway, next to Jaime's car. I looked at the clock beofore taking out the key. I had about 10 minutes to get last minute things together until the bus gets here. I got out of my car and walked up to the door and walked in. I skipped up the stairs and went into my room. I got out my almost fully packed suitcase and put in some things that I had missed the perivious day. I heard the honking of the bus as I zipped up my suitcase and did a sweep of my room and barthroom before heading downstairs.

"Ready to hit the road, bro?" Mike ran up to me after putting his things on the bus.

"Duh! It's only been a few weeks till we last preformed, but I miss it!" I whined and threw my head back to look at the sky.

"Alright, let's go!" I laughed at him as he pranced over to the bus. Yes, my 29 year-old brother just pranced onto a bus. I followed him onto the bus and chose my bunk. I prefer to stay in the middle, not to noisy and not to high up. I mean, I am kinda short. I walked into the front room where all the other guys were and sat down next to Tony. 

"Hey turtle." I patted his back and he smiled at me.

"LET'S WATCH NINJA TURTLES!!!" Tony shouted and jumped up to grab the remote to the TV.

"NO!" Me, Jaime and Mike all yelled in unison. 

"But it's ninja turtles!" He whined.

"How about we watch Harry Potter!" Mike yelled.

"Or, and this is just a suggestion, maybe we can like not watch anything." I suggested throughing my hands up into the air in defense. They all sighed and muttered a 'fine'. I just laughed at them and grabed my headphones out of my pocket and put them in. I started listening to Slipknot, then some We Came As Romans. And I don't remember anything after that because I fell asleep.


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