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Jess's POV

*one week later*

Vic has been acting strange around me all week. He seemed really distant and unprotective; he's usually following me around like a lost puppy, but he's been keeping his distance. He's always looking out the windows and locking them and the doors. Almost like he's paranoid or something. Like yesterday...


I was in the kitchen making the guys some eggs and bacon for a late breakfast since none of us actually get up at a 'morning' time. I asked Vic to it since he's more a cook than I am, but he was 'busy' and by busy I mean he was staring out the window like a weirdo. When I finished cooking, everyone came and thanked me and grabbed a plate and put food on it. I'm a vegetarian and I don't like eggs, so I had an apple. Vic eventually came down and grabbed a plate himself. He sat on the opposite side of the couch I was sitting on and quietly ate his food; not even looking at me. He would usually make fun of me for being a vegetarian and try and make me eat the bacon, but today was all wrong. He hasn't looked at me the way he usually does; all loving and sweet. Actually he doesn't even look at me. The past few nights he's been sleeping at his house instead of staying her with me and he wouldn't let me stay with him.

He finished eating and set his plate in the sink and ran back upstairs without a word. Did I do something? Did he change his mind on that baby? Cause if it's about that then it's kind of late there, Victor. I'm starting to get annoyed at the new attitude. Is he mad because I had sex with another person? Because it wasn't willingly so he has no reason to be mad at me; I didn't do anything.


Vic was sitting upstairs again, just starring out the window like he always does; all day. We haven't even kissed in past two weeks, let alone sleep in the same bed. He just decided to cut out all the physical contact out of our relationship.

"Hey Vic?" I asked opening up my bedroom door and poking my head in the room to Vic sitting on my bed starring out the window.

"Hm?" He replied.

"Can you go to the store and get some vodka?" I asked in an annoyed tone. I don't think he noticed though, but even if he did he wouldn't care.

"Why can't you do it?" He asked without taking his eyes away from the window.

"Because I have to go to work so we can fucking pay rent and bills and buy food so fucking go the store and get vodka because the guys want to drink tonight." I snapped at him and slammed the door before he could say anything. I stormed out the house and grabbed my keys and got into my car and started driving angrily towards my fairly new job until we go back on tour in a few months. I'm so pissed at Vic! What the fuck is wrong with him?! Can he not fucking function anymore?! I popped in The Black Crown by Suicide Silence into my CD slot and blasted it all the way to my job at Zia records. I drove up and parked right in front of the door and turned off my car and sat there; trying to calm down. I took a few deep breaths before I walked into the store and took my position in the back taking inventory and restocking things all day.

Vic's POV

"Because I have to go to work so we can fucking pay rent and bills and buy food so fucking go the store and get vodka because the guys want to drink tonight." Jess yelled at me and slammed the door. I was staring out the window the whole conversation like I always do. I was looking the person who threatened me, just making sure he doesn't come by before I leave tonight. After I leave she'll be safe. She's going to hate me but if it means her being safe then so be it. I watched as Jess pulled out of the driveway and speed off angrily while blasting Suicide Silence. I looked down at my hands that were holding a plane ticket to Spain that left at 9pm; it's 9am now; I have 12 hours to prepare myself for things being thrown at my head and screaming. I really didn't want to leave but I had too. Tears started to well up in my eyes and soon fell down my cheeks.

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