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        I woke up to the sound of someone clearing their throat. I turned over to see who it was.

"What the hell are you doing in my brothers bunk?" Mike asked with arms crossed over his chest.

"Um, well my band took the car home so Vic offered for me to stay with him." I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes, squinting at the light. 

"Well it's morning now and we gotta go so." He moved aside and gestured to the door silently telling me to get out.

"Oh, right. Sorry. I'll be gone in a few minutes." I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes and walked away. I went to get out of Vic's bunk when I felt a strong grip around me. I looked over at Vic as he shifted in his sleep and groned. I whispered,"Vic, your brother is kicking me out I gotta go."

"Mmmm no." He whined, not once opening his eyes.

"Viccy, I have to go. Mike seems upset and I dont want to make him uncomfortable." 

He opened his eyes and stuck out his bottom lip.

"Staaayyyyyy." He whined and held me tighter. 

"Okay, okay. I'll stay, but just for a little bit." I sank back down and wiggled my way into the crook of  his neck. His arm was tightly wraped around my waist. His breathing soon evened out and his grip got looser. He had fallen asleep. I snuggled into him more and eventually fell asleep to.


I was awaken by my phone this time, I got a text


Hey where r u? u said u would be back in the morning:(

        Sorry, love Vic didn't want me to go

Ooooooooooo U liiikkkeeee hhiiiimmmmm ;)

        Shut up no I dont!!!

        Ok maybe a little...


        Oh ok XD anyway I gtg. I'll be home soon tho. 

Okai =^~^=

"Vic?Vic wake up." I shook Vic lightly until he moved on his own. He started to make cute little sounds as his eyes fluttered open.

"No.You stay."

"Vic I have to go home. They're all worried about  me."

"UGGHHHH ok I guess you can go." He said while sitting up and almost hitting his head.

"I'll go tell the driver to take you home." He crawled over me to get out of the bunk and I didn't want him to get off me. I love having him on top of me.

"Oh, um, where do you live?"

"Oh right, 4222 North Pierce Street. Ironic I know." I laughed and so did he. He walked to the front of the bus to give the driver my address.When he came back I was standing in the middle of the hall stretching. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Shit Vic you scared me!" I said as I turned around and hit his arm playfuly.

"Haha you like it though."

"Eh." I shrugged my shoulders and Vic pretended to be hurt by my comment. I laughed at him and wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. 

"I had fun last night. That was the best I've ever slept in weeks." He whispered in my ear. It sent chills down my spine.

"So did I."

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