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Jess's POV

        I woke up to a beeping sound and slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry at first, but my eyes soon adjusted to the bright light. I tried sitting up, but a sharp pain went tough my stomach telling me not to move. I lay back down and looked at my surrounding and soon found that I was in a hospital bed. A few minutes later, a doctor walked in.

"Good morning Ms. Snow, how are you feeling?" He asked. He had black hair that reached his jaw. He had tattoos on his neck and some on his face and arms. I'm glad that work places are started to accept employees with tattoos.

"Um, my stomach hurts a little and I have a headache." I told the man.

"That's normal for your situation." He looked down at his clip board and scribbled a few things down. 

"Um, what exactly is my situation?" 

"Oh, right, well last night your friends brought you in after you started throwing up huge amounts of blood. We had to pump your stomach and found out that you had consumed almost five gallons of vodka and 23 prescription pain killers." The doctor told me in a sad tone. I guess I got really fucked up last night. I couldn't really say anything; all I did was stare at him with my mouth open. He sighed before speaking again.

"We're putting up under suicide watch, seeing as you have a history of multiple suicide attempts. I know you probably didn't know what you were doing last night, but the hospital thinks otherwise; it's for your own good Ms. Snow." He walked out with a straight face and closed the door quietly. I sighed then laid down further into the hard bed. I heard a buzzing sound on the side table next to the bed and lent over to see what it was; it was my phone. It kept buzzing over and over again, indicating that someone was calling me. 

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Jess, how ya feelin'?" It was Elijah.

"Good I guess. Can you come see me?" I asked.

"Of course, I'll be right there." He hung up and I sat my phone back where it was and closed my eyes until Elijah showed up.


"So who took me here?" I asked my best friend.

"Alan and I did. Austin and Aaron were fucking around with our instruments and didn't want to go anywhere. But they'll be here soon, I told them what happened and they feel really bad." 

"Oh. Well thanks, dude." He smiled at me and let me sleep. I closed my eyes and felt him kiss my forehead softly and left quietly. 


*2 days later*

        I just got out the hospital and all the guys came to get me in Aaron's SUV. Aaron was driving, of course, I was in the passenger seat, Alan was sitting on Austin in the left back seat, Keag was next to them, and Mike was next to Keag. I don't know why Mike was here; I guess he felt bad about Vic. Vic. I miss him... How could he just up and leave so suddenly? I thought he loved me. We've been through so much together. He was supposed to protect me from them. He was my everything; I gave him everything. He's the first person I've slept with, willingly that is. 

Before I knew it, we were home and my cheeks were wet. I quickly wiped at my eyes before anyone could notice and got out of the car. Mt stomach still hurt a little bit, but it was bearable. I walked into the house and straight into my room and buried my face in the pillow and cried as hard as I possibly could. Everything was hitting me all at once; the kidnaping, the pregnancy, the termination of the pregnancy, Vic leaving... 

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