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 I sat on the couch in Pierce the Veil's dressing room; just staring blankly at the wall. I felt the weight on the couch shift and a hand on my knee.

"Hey babe... How ya doin'?" Vic asked with sad eyes. I didn't respond to him; just continued to stare. He sighed and kissed my temple before getting up. A few minutes later, Vic came back and threw me over his shoulder.

"Vic, come on. I'm not in the mood for this." I whined. 

"Too bad. You're stuck with me." I felt him laugh a little.

"Well can you put me down so I can see where we're going?" I asked. He set me down on my feet and brushed some stray hairs out of my face. 

"You're so beautiful..." He said staring at me. 

"And you're hilarious." I flicked his nose and he scrunched up his face. 

"Well you are, so." He crossed his arms and pretended to be offended.

"Dude, my hair is greasy, I haven't slept in 2 days, and I’m wearing your jacket and sweatpants for god's sake!" I practicality yelled the last part at him.

"You're still perfect to me." He slid his left hand across my cheek and kissed my sweetly. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Sadly, he pulled away, leaving me to miss his warmth.

"Now, go get ready, you have a show to play." He kissed my forehead and walked off. I smiled and went back to my bus to change. When I walked on the bus, I was relieved to see Alan and Austin cuddling on the couch; at least I'm not alone. 

"Hey Austin. Good to see you." I said to him as I walked into the bunk area and shut the door. I grabbed my suitcase off of my unused bunk and searched for a clean shirt. I decided it was time to actually put on a bra, so I did. I found my new PTV tank top. It was light blue and had their faces and logo on it. It exposed my tattoo and my piercings; I guess I have a thing for tank tops that show off my tattoo and piercings. I took off my sweat pants and threw them into my bunk along with my underwear. I grabbed a new pair and slid them on, then I threw on some black skinnies on combed in some dry shampoo and styed my hair a little bit so it didn't look so gross. I was about to walk out of the bunk area when I remembered what was on my arm. I sighed and turned around to grab Vic's dark blue warped tour sweatshirt  and slipped it over my shirt. I had already brushed my teeth earlier on Pierce the Veil's bus so I didn't need to do that. I opened the door to the front room where I walked in on a half-naked Alan and a barely clothed Austin.

"WHOA!" I yelled in surprised and covered my eyes. I heard them mutter a 'shit' and some scrambling. I peeked to make sure it was okay after a few seconds.

"Come on guys, seriously?! We have bunks ya know." I said a little annoyed and walked out of the bus. I guess that came out a little harsher than I meant, but I was really uncomfortable seeing that. The memories from three nights ago flooded in as I walked back into the venue. Tears were rimming my eyes as I franticly searched for Vic. I spotted their manager and asked where Vic was, he said they were doing a meet and greet with Sleeping with Sirens. I didn't respond; I just ran in the direction of where the man I needed most was having a great time. I was out of breath from walking so fast and from an oncoming panic attack. I walked up to where the huge line was and started scanning for Vic within this crowd of kids. I heard my name being shouted a few times, but I ignored them. I found Vic and pushed my way through to him. When I got to him, I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly as my body went limp. I let the tears flow as he held me back. 

"V-Vic I-I wa-wanna d-" I stuttered, but was cut off.

"Don't you dare say that." He said forcefully. I could hear the hurt in his voice; I just cried more. He whispered something to Jaime and picked me up bridal style and walked out of the room we were in, apologizing to fans that didn't get to meet him yet. I clung to him like he was my life line and I would die if I let go. He took me back to his dressing room and laid me down on the bright orange couch. He sat on the floor in front of  me and stroked my hair and started to sing.

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