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      I woke up the next morning with a wicked headache. I looked around to see that I was in the basement spooning the microphone stand. I got up slowly and made my way upstairs to see where the others were. 

"Guys?" I asked almost at the top of the stairs. I got to the top of the stairs and saw the guys spread out across the living room passed out. Keag had somehow found a tie and tied it around his head like a bandana, Elijah was on his back lying across the coffee table with his head hanging off the edge, Alan was curled up in  a ball in the corner next to the front door and Aaron was sprawled out in the middle of the floor. 

I walked over to Aaron and lightly kicked him.

"Hey, wake up." I whisper-yelled.

"Hm?" His eyes slowly fluttered open and squinted at the bright light coming from outside. He sat up and gripped his head in pain.

"Ow. What happened last night?" 

"I'm guessing we got wasted and past out." I said sarcastically. Aaron gave me a dirty look and held out his hand silently asking me to help him up, so I did. I walked over to the sleeping Alan and lightly nudged him. He woke up almost instantly and he shot up looking around the room franticly.

"Hey, Hey are you okay, sweetie?" I asked in concern rubbing his back in a comforting way.

"Uh, yeah..Yeah just a bad dream..." He said slowly calming himself down. He got up and grabbed his phone out of his pocket and walked upstairs to his room, probably to call Austin. And ironically my phone started to ring.

"Hey Kells, what's up?" I asked, still whispering.

"Uh yeah hey Jess, um hey are your guys busy tonight?" He sounds frantic.

"Um, no I don't think we're doing anything. Why?"

"Well we're playing our last show in your town tonight and I See Stars just told us they couldn't  make it so I was wondering if you guys could fill in?"

"Yeah of course! We'd love to. When and where?" I could not shake this smile off my face.

"The Great American Music Hall and sound check is in 30 minutes."

"Alright, we'll be there. We might be a little late for sound check though."

"Really?! Oh my god Jess you’re a life saver!! Thank you so much!" Now he's talking really fast. It's funny.

"Haha yeah. No problem man! This is huge opportunity for us! So thank you for letting us open for you guys."

"No problem you guys are awes-" He was cut off by someone telling him that they had to go.

"Hey I got to go. See ya soon. Bye."

"Bye man." 

I instantly ran over to Elijah and shook him awake.


I quickly ran upstairs and into my room to get ready, I threw on some black skinny jeans and a light blue tank top that reads 'I wear band tees as my mating call', quickly put on some black eyeliner, did my hair and ran downstairs. Everyone was almost ready except for Alan. Eventually, though, he came down and we left. We all piled into Aarons’ car, a red SUV, so we can all fit into one car. 

It took us about 45 minutes to get there. It's 3 pm now and it's freezing out here. We walk into the venue and told the security guard who we were and he let us in. There was a faint sound of singing coming from the stage. We walked further into the venue only to find a Mexican looking man singing his heart out while playing a green splattered white guitar.

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