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Jess's POV

I guess Vic put me in his bunk, 'cause I was in there and didn't know how the hell I got in it. The blanket was over me and I still had my clothes on. I heard loud whispering coming from behind the curtain; I think it was Mike and Tony.

"Dude, we have to get him to break up with her. She's too much trouble for him." Mike said.

"I don't think so man; she seems to make him really happy. I mean, he's never been this happy since Jenna, and even she couldn't make him this happy." Tony argued. Right now Toney's my favorite.

"No! Jess is bad news. She's causing him to much stress with all this bullshit going on." Mike whispered yelled. My heart sank into my stomach. Was I really causing him that much stress?

"Fine, whatever. Do what you want, man." I could tell that Tone was beyond pissed at Mike. They both walked back to the front of the bus and shut the door quietly; still thinking I was sleeping. I let out the tears I had been holding in since the beginning of that awful conversation. I calmed myself down and went to the bathroom to wash my face before going to the front. I splashed some cold water on my face and took a deep breath. I dried my face and tried to breath normally as I slowly opened the door to the front of the bus. No one heard me because they were all playing video games except for Vic; He was texting. I walked over to him and sat down on the couch next to him.

"Hey babe, how ya feelin'?" Vic asked whilst putting his phone in his pocket and taking my hand.

"Um... I don't know..." I almost started crying again, but Vic distracted me with a kiss. I smiled and snuggled into him. We stayed like this until we had to go to sound check.

After sound check, we chilled for a bit, just me and Vic. Vic had put on a movie in the lounge room that the venue had. There was two long dark green couches and one humongous flat screen with a bunch of gadgets and stuff. we were watching Nightmare Before Christmas; My favorite movie of all time. We were both singing along to the music and called it our vocal warm ups. We were about half way through the movie, when Vic was being summoned by his brother to go side stage to prep. He turned off the movie and we both stretched our tired limbs and exited the room and made our way side stage. Vic said hey to all the guys and proceeded to pick up his black and white guitar and tuned it. Mike and Tony were being really cold towards me, so I sat back a little while they all did their thing.

"Hey Vic, good luck tonight guys! You're gonna kill it as always!" I heard Keag tell Vic.

"Thanks dude!" Keag patted him on the back and walked back over to Amy. A few seconds later, a man dressed in all black peeked around the corner and shouted, "PTV on in 30 seconds!!" The guys all nodded and huddled up for their routine chant.

"Hail Mary, forgive me. Blood for blood, hearts beating. Come at me, now this is war!" The yelled. about every other show, they pick a different song of theirs, or another bands', to quote. Mike went out first, then Jaime, then Tony. Vic stayed back a little bit to talk to me.

"I love you, babe. It'll be okay. He kissed me deeply and smiled at me. He ran out on stage and the crowd flipped their shit. I was about to leave when Vic spoke into the mic.

"So this is a new song we wrote about, well yesterday," He laughed. "And it's for my beautiful girlfriend. She's been going through some tough shit lately, so when she plays tonight, giver her all your love!" He looked at me and winked. I looked at Mike who had a look of disgust on his face which ruined my mood instantly.

Do you know, I count your heart beats before you sleep?

I bite my fingernails to bone.

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