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        I squeezed Vic's hand so tight, I thought my wrist was gonna break. I partially hid behind him, hoping that he can make this all go away. I whispered to Vic so that he wouldn't be mad at me and thought I was cheating on him or something. 

"He's lying. We aren't engaged anymore." He looked at me through the corner of his eye, but didn't say anything. He let go of my hand and I instently felt alone and unprotected.

"I'm sorry?" I could here the anger in his voice as he stepped closer to Luca. 

"I said, she's my fiancé. So back off." Luca dropped the dozen roses and they fell on the ground. They were now standing inches away from each other.

"No. She's not. She's my girlfriend. So I suggest you walk away while you have the chance." Vic growled at him. Honestly, it was really hot seeing him act like this. Next thing I knew, Luca was on the ground; out cold. His nose was bleeding and Vic was standing over him. I slowly approched the pissed off Vic.

"Vic?" I asked cautiously. He was breathing heavily, not making a move. I slid my hand into his slowly and started to pull him towards the bus. He didn't move at first, but then I pulled a little harder and he soon followed. He held my hand back, but didn't say a word. We got to the bus, he opened the door and quickly walked in and went straight to his bunk. I didn't know what to do so I sat on the couch and burried my face in my hands; silently crying. I decided to ask Mike what I should do, so I texted him. 

To: Mikey

Hey um...So Vic and I ran into my ex. It's a long story, but the gist of it is that Vic ended up punching him and knocked him out in one shot. We went back to the bus but he didn't say anything to me. He just went into his bunk...Mike, I don't know what to do...

He didn't reply for about 15 minutes, he was at a bar so it was understandable.

From: Mikey

I'll be right there. Stay put. Everything is going to be ok. I promise.

I didn't reply, I just started to cry harder. Is he mad at me? Oh god, he's gonna leave me isn't he? I guess I was thinking for longer than it felt like, 'cause Mike showed up. 

"Hey you okay?" He crouched down in front of me and put his hands on my knees. I nodded in response.

"Alright, I'm gonna go talk to him okay?" I nodded again. He got up and walked through the door that lead to the bunks.

Mike's POV

I heard a muffled sob coming from Vic's bunk. I walked over and slowly pulled back the curtain.

"Vic? You okay?" He quickly wipped his eyes and sniffled a little bit before turning over to look at me.

"Nothing I-I'm fi-fine." He chocked out, trying to hold back the tears. 

"Okay Vic, it's pretty obvious that somethings bothering you. Jess told me what happened..." We fell into a silence for a few minutes. 

"She was engaged a-and sh-she didn't te-tell m-me." He started to sob, harder than I've ever heard him sob before. 

"She was just protecting you Vic..." I rubbed his back comfortingly. He didn't say anything so I sighed and got up. I walked back into the front room where Jess was now staring blankly at nothing. I nudged her and she jumped.

"Hey uh, Vic isn't doing so well... Mind go talking to him? I think he needs to hear and explination from you." She nodded and got up and went back to where I was a few minutes earlier.

Jess's POV

I was shaking, afraid of what he was going to say to me. I wipped my tear stained cheeks and sniffled some and looked into his already open courtain. 

"V-Vic?" He just looked at me.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Luca... I just, I was ashamed of him... He did some, pretty bad things...

*one and a half years earlier*

"Luca stop! Please!" I was on the ground, getting the life kicked out of me once again by my fiancé. 

"You think you can push me around!? You think you can do whatever the fuck you want!? NO! I FUCKING OWN YOU!" He kicked me one last time, leaving me on the ground in a fetal position holding my stomach and ribs. I think he broke some ribs again. 

"You better be ready for a good fucking by the time I get back you whore." He seethed at me, grabbing his keys and slamming the door. I instantly broke down, dreading what he had in store for me  next. 


I had taken a shower before he got home. I knew he would be mad if he saw the blood. He grabbed my wrist and pushed me onto the bed forcfully. I didn't want this. I tired to push him away but he was stonger than me, so he held down my arms and pushed on my legs. I was helpless once again. He proceded to have his way with me. I was crying the whole time. 

*25 days later*

Luca had left for the bar this afternoon and said he wouldn't be home 'till tonight. I took this as an oportunity to leave. I grabbed a bag and messily threw all my clothes in it; there wasn't that much to pack. I grabbed my phone and my charger and called Elijah as I was walking out the door. I didn't bother to leave Luca a note or anything. Elijah said it was okay for me to crash there for a bit and that I would be safe with him. I started to walk away from that god foresaken house and towards my new home.


Vic started to cry after I told him what Luca did to me. He grabbed me and pulled me into the bunk with him.

"I'm so, so sorry babe..." He kissed me sweetly and held me close to him. I was laying on him and was listening to his heart beat. 1...2...3...4... I counted his heart beats until I fell asleep. 

(A/N sorry this one is short :/ I'm making you guys wait for the smut ;))

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