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A few days later I woke up in Vic's bed. I turned over and was met with a sleeping Vic. I went to get out of bed, but he held me tighter. I smiled to myself and snuggled into his neck and relaxed. But in the second, my phone rang.

"Don't answer it." A sleepy Vic told me.

"I have to Viccy. What if somethings wrong?"

"Ug. Fine." He whined and let go of me. I crawled out of his bed and grabbed my phone off of his night stand.


"Hey Jess..." No. It can't be... I hung up imedietly. My stomch was in knots. I was shaking at this point and I guess Vic noticed because next thing I knew he was holding me from behind.

"What's wrong, baby?" He whispered in my ear then kissed behind it. Making me blush.

"Uh, no-nothing. Just a wrong number." I turned around to face him. I gave him a fake smile and kissed him.

"I'm gonna get in the shower." I walked towards his bathroom that he shared with his brother. I grabbed a towel and turned on the water. I jumped in and washed my body and my hair. I got out, dried off, dried my hair a little bit and wrapped the towel around me and walked back to Vic's room which he was no longer in. I closed the door and got dressed. I had left a few things here because Vic said he didn't mind if I did.

I took my hair dryer and dried my hair untill it was competly dry. I pluged in Vic's hair straightener and started to straighten my hair. I was done after about 10 minutes. I went downstairs and sat next to Mike on the couch.

"Hey, what are you watching?"

"Harry Potter." He said with his eyes glued to the screen.

"Cool which one?" I asked trying to make a conversation.

"Sorser's Stone."

"Awes-" I was cut of by Vic Yelling out that food was ready. I walked into their kitchen to see what he had made.

"Ooooo pancakes!" I grabbed a plate and threw some on there. I ate until I just couldn't eat anymore. When I was done I got up and walked to the sink when Vic grabbed my plate.

"I'll take that." And put it in the sink.

"I'm a big girl Viccy, I could've done that." I laughed at him and went over to him.

"Hmmm nah I love to do things for you." He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. He held me close. Our lips almost touching.

"Ew can you cut it out? I'm trying to eat here." Mike spat at us. We just laughed and pulled away.

"I'm gonna head home, I have to take inventory of the bus." I grabbed my keys off their counter. I walked over to Vic and gave him a long kiss just to piss off Mike.

"EEWWW!!!!" He squeeled grabbing his plate and running into the living room. Vic and I just laughed.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked hopfuly.

"Of course, babe." He smiled and kissed me once again. I love his kisses. They make me feel safe. He makes me feel safe.

"Bye Mikey!" I shouted before closing the door and walking over to my car. I got in a drove to my house. We only live about 10 minutes away from each other which is good. Tour starts tomorrow and I coudn't be happier. I get to spend 2 months with the man of my dreams, plus I get to preform in front of millions of kids. This is the dream.


I got home and found the keys to the tour bus we were renting by the fridge. We were keeping it parked down the street along with the trailer thing we bought to keep all our insruments and amps and stuff in. The guys were still sleeping so I decided to pack up the rest of the music stuff by myself. I went downstairs to the basement and packed up the remaining guitars and basses. I brought them upstairs 2 at a time and set them by the door.

I got the trolly we use to move the instuments faster and put the 4 gutairs and 5 basses on it and rolled them to where the trailer was. I unloaded them, locked them up and walked back home. When I got back Keag was sitting on the couch drinking coffee watching Maury.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I said with a wink as I sat next to him.

"Bite me." He spat.

"Love too." We fell into a silence for a few minutes until I spoke up again.

"Luca called me this morning..." I looked away knowing how he was going to react.

"WHAT!?" He yelled at me practically chocking on his coffee.

"Um... Yeah after Vic and I decided to go back to bed this morning my phone rang and I thought it was one of you guys, so thinking something was wrong I answered it and it was him so I hung up..."

"Did you tell Vic?"

"Hell no! I'm not telling my boyfriend about my psycho ex fiancé!" I yelled at him in frustration.
"You have to eventually!" He stood up and looked down at me. I felt like a child who was getting lectured about eating chocolate without asking.
"I won't tell him unless I have to." I looked down at my hands and started to shake my leg nervously.
"Fine." Was all he said before running upstairs and slamming his door shut making me jump at the sudden sound.

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