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I was sleeping, but I couldn't move. All I could do was look around the room.

I stopped when I saw a tall, pitch black figure. It was just staring at me...

For what seemed like hours, It was just standing in the corner of my room, staring at me.

Then, it started to move closer...

Eventually, it made it's way to my bedside. It crouched down to my ear, but didn't say anything.

I tried so hard to scream but nothing came out.

I tried to escape it's grip, but I couldn't move.

It started to choke me.

"Jess? Jess wake up!" I was shaken awake by my band mate ,Elijah. I started to cry and clung onto him like he was my life source. He held me for a while until I sat up.

"Wh-What hap-happened?" I chocked out while gripping my throat, stil able to feel the icy cold hands around me.

"Well you started screaming so I came in here and it looked like you trying to get something away from your throat..."

"Oh... I-I guess I ha-had a bad dr-dre-dream." I started to cry harder as I remembered the horror I had just experienced.

"It's okay. It was only a dream. It can't get you here." He gentely stroked my hair and stayed until I fell asleep. Only, I didn't fall asleep. When he went to get up to go back to bed, I grapped his wrist.

"Can you call Vic? I really need him right now..." He smiled at me and nodded.

"Sure sweetie. Whatever you need." He grabbed my phone off of my night stand next to my bed and unlocked it. Everyone in the house knew each others passcodes just in case we need to make an emergency call and we couldn't find our own or something. He put my phone to his ear and spoke into it after a few rings.

"Hello?" I barely heard Vic's sleepy voice through the phone.

"Hey Vic, it's Elijah-"

"Why do you have Jessica's phone? Is she okay?" I heard Vic's vocie get louder in panic as he shuffled in his bed to sit up.

"Yeah, yeah she's fine. She just had a nightmare and she asked me to call you. She said she needed you with her."

"Okay, uh, I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Alright man, see ya then." He went to hang up but Vic spoke once more.

"Oh and Elijah?" He put my phone back up to his ear.


"Don't let her out of your sight, please?"

"I won't. See you when you get here, dude." He hung up and set my phone to where it was before. He sat down on the edge of my bed and told me to relax. I did as I was told and laid back down with my hands resting on my stomach. A few minutes later I heard the front door open and a few seconds later it closed. I heard footsteps climbing the stairs as fast as they could.

Vic's POV

My phone started to sing my own song back to me.

And last night, you said you ended up in Palm Springs dancing on tables.

Almost fought some bitch at the club.

Got kicked out of your hotel and lost your shoes well fu-

I cut off the last words as I reconized who was calling. I grabbed my phone and slid my thumb the the right to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked expecting a female voice, but instaed I got a males.

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