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Jess's POV

        It's about 2 in the morning in San Francisco. I'm currently standing outside in 48 degree weather contemplating my band. Should we stay together? We're not getting anywhere. All we do is record demos, send them to record companies, and get rejected every time. After about 2 hours of standing outside, my phone rings. 


"Hey, Jess. Wanna come over? The whole band is here and they want to play a little." Elijah, my best friend, and also the screamer for our band, Upon These Scars. 

"Uh, yeah sure I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Ok, see ya soon."

"Kay, bye."

I hit the end button on my iPhone 5s and started walking to my car, a black 1994 mustang. I started the car and speed off to my house to meet the rest of the guys.


        "Hey guys." I said while closing and locking the door behind me.

"JESSICA!!!" My friend Keagen screamed and ran over to give me a hug. He's our drummer. He has short red hair that's parted on the left side of his head. He's wearing a Slipknot shirt and black jeans that are ripped at the knees. 

The others were sitting on my couch watching a movie. I walked over to them and all gave me a bright smile. 

"Hey I missed you!" Elijah stated as he stood up to pull me into a tight hug. I kicked Alan in the leg to get his attention and it worked. 

"Hey douche wad." I spat at him jokingly.

"Hey assbutt!" He shot up and held me for what seemed like a year.

"It's been forever dude!"

"I know I know, I'm sorry. I've been busy with some stuff. So are we gonna play or no?" I said gesturing to all the guys who looked like they haven't slept in a million years. 

"AARON WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Keagen shouted and kicked Aaron in the leg to wake up the passed out boy in the floor.

"Ow what the hell Keag?!"

Keagen gave him a cheeky smile and skipped down stairs to the basement where all our music stuff was. Elijah took his place in front of the mic, Keagen takes a seat upon his thrown behind his drums, Aaron picked up his bass and started to tune it, and Alan and I picked our weapons of choice and started to tune our guitars. I took my place to the left of Elijah, in front of Keag. Aaron was on the opposite side of Elijah, but in the same place as me. 

"You guys ready?" Elijah asked while turning around to face us. We all nodded and started to play. After a few notes, Elijah started to scream.

 I've been hurt by you to many times.

I'm immune to your poison now.

You can no longer pull me into your crimes.

You lying bitch, you know I'm so much better than you.

After half way through the song before it was my turn to sing, my phone rang and everyone stopped.

"Sorry guys, give me a sec." 

I set my black and blue electric guitar down on the stand and grabbed my iPhone and walked up the stairs for more privacy. I looked at the caller ID. An unknown number from Oregon. I swiped the button to the right to answer it.

"Uh, hello?" I asked cautiously.

"Um yeah, uh, is this Jessica?" a high pitched male voice asked me sounding a bit nervous.

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