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Vic's POV

        I was still sitting in the same spot from an hour ago. I was still writing that new song, except this time I was strumming my guitar trying to figure out how I wanted it to sound. I finally got it and I jumped up and gathered the guys for an emergency practice since the show was cancelled.

 We perfected the new song I just conjured up from my broken heart within an hour. It was 7 at night now, and I still didn't hear a word from Jess or her band. I hope she's okay... My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing; it was Keag.

Keag's POV 

I walked onto our bus after the show was cancelled and saw Alan and Austin sleeping on the couch. I draped a blanket over them as they snuggled further into each other. I smiled and quietly walked to the bunks to find Jess. I opened the door and was met with Jess's stuff scattered all over the floor. I noticed so kind of liquid leaking out from under the bathroom door. I slowly approached the door and the type of liquid was verified when I saw the deep red color. My heart sank into my stomach and I froze; not knowing what to do. I put my hand on the door knob and slowly turned it, I pushed in the door to open it, but something was leaning against the door. I pushed a little harder and I heard a loud thump and stuck my head in cautiously. I scanned the room slowly and lying on the ground, I saw Jess's lifeless body lying down with blood all over her arms and legs and, well, everywhere. My breathing started to get faster and faster. Tears were welling up in my eyes; I started to scream out for help.

"ALAN! AUSTIN! HELP!" I cried out. I heard stumbling and whispering as I saw both of them run into to bunk area and towards me. They froze as they saw what I was looking at. 

"Call 911." Austin said to Alan. I was frozen in my place at the sight of my best friend lying on the bathroom floor covered in her own blood. I broke into tears as I fell to my knees into the pool of blood. I crawled over to her and held her in my arms and cried.

"You can't leave me! We need you!" I cried into her, holding her close to me. Austin didn't say or do anything, he just stood there in utter terror as Alan came rushing in to tell us the ambulance was on its way. I continued to cry and panic until the paramedics made their way onto the bus and pried me off of her. I was kicking and screaming, trying to get out of their grip as they checked her pulse.

"I have a pulse, but it's faint. We gotta get her to the hospital now." The lady said to her partner. He nodded and ran out of the bus and came back with a stretcher. They loaded her onto the stretcher and strapped her in. They barely managed to squeeze through the tiny doorways and down the stairs, but they did. They loaded her into the back of the ambulance and put an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. I jumped in the back with Jess, covered in her blood and still crying.

Within 10 minutes, we arrived at the loading dock of the nearest hospital. Doctors and nurses rushed over to us and ran her through the door and into the place where they take patients like this. I tried to go with her, but a nurse stopped me. Austin and Alan caught up with me a few minutes later and sat next to me in silence.

"Um... I'm go-gonna go call V-Vic." I stuttered as I stood up and grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and dialed Vic's number. It only took him a few seconds to answer the phone.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Uh, hey Vic..." My eyes started to water a bit as I tried to calm myself down.

"Is everything alright?" Vic asked concerned.

"Um, no. No, everything is not alright.... Um, Jess is uh, sh-she's in the uh, the hospital." I was crying again. Vic was silent for a few moments.

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