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Jess's POV

I was awaken by the sound of my bathroom door closing. Why was one of the guys using my bathroom? They have their own. I heard the shower turn on and someone singing. Oh that's right, Vic spent the night. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard him pouring his heart out in the form of song.

I'll bet your money as your running to the bathroom,

you barely started drinking but your beauty never stopped you.

You died in California by the sulfer and the sea.

I guess I never should have loved you,

but I do forever 'cause you loved me.

And I break my glasses as I fall in the street!

If you were gonna leave this world how could it be without me?

Now it's all over my tongue and still it has no taste.

'Cause without you there is no me.

I heard him start to cry as he ended the last line. I got up to see if he was okay, only wearing his black hoodie and my underwear, I managed to look at the clock before I got to the door '8:54' it read. I groaned and went over to the bathroom door and knocked on it.

"Vic?" No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer.

"Vic? Vic I'm coming in." I opened the door and was not prepared for the sight that was in front of me. Vic was laying in the tub with his arm hanging over the edge with blood dripping from it.

"Vic!?" I ran over to him and turned off the water. I grabbed a towel to cover him up. I was shaking him trying to wake up a past out Vic.

"Vic! Vic wake up!" I was crying now. I looked at his arm in more depth. He had about 15 deep cuts going up his forearm. He groned as his eyes fluttered open. He looked at me with sad eyes.

"I-I'm so-Sorry..." His eyes closed once again. I held him tighter as I screamed. I guess the guys heard me 'cause Keag and Alan came in.

"Jess wh-" Keag was shocked at the sight of his best friend holding onto her lifless looking boyfriend. Alan wrapped his arms around me and tried to pry me off of Vic, but I wouldn't let go. I held on tighter.

"NO! NO I'M NOT LEAVING HIM!" I screamed at Alan.

"It'll be okay, let Keag help him." He said calmly.

"NO! I'M NOT LETTING GO!" I screamed holding onto Vic as hard as I could. But Alan was stronger than me, he easily pulled me off of Vic as I struggled to get out of his grip and get back to Vic. Keag took him out of the tub and gently laid him on his back on the floor. He ran out of my room and came back a few seconds later with a first aid kit. He pulled out some alcohol wipes and cleaned his wounds. He then took out some gauze and wrapped up Vic's left arm. Alan let me go, slowly setting me down on the ground. I crawled over to Vic and started to cry onto his still wet chest.

"Wh-why? Vic why would y-you d-do this to m-me." I cried harder into him. I guess Alan and Keag left since I didn't see them in here anymore. After an hour of crying on Vic, I fell asleep with my head resting on his chest. I heard a small groan so I shot up and looked at Vic. His eyes slowly opened.

"Je-jess? What ha-happened?" His voice was still a little croggy.

"You uh, yo-you..." I couldn't finish my sentence because I started to cry again. He sat up to hold me when he saw his bandaged arm.

"Oh..." Was all he said. He pulled the towel over himself to keep it there. He held me as I cried more into his neck.

"Wh-why?" I cried harder.

"Sh. Shh. It's okay... I'll explain later okay?" All I could do was nod.


I don't remember falling asleep, but when I woke up I was in my bed and Vic was gone. I threw on some black skinnies and a band tee and headed down stairs. I was walking down the stairs when I saw the guys sitting on the couch watching supernatural.

"Hey, have you guys seen Vic?" I stood in front of the TV.

"He's in the kitchen." Elijah pointed to the kitchen.

"Thanks." I walked over to the kitchen and sure enough, there he was. Cooking breakfest for everyone. I wrapped my arms around his waist lightly kissing his neck. He was about 3 inches taller than me so I had to stand on my tippy toes to kiss his neck.

"Morning beautiful." He turned around and snaked his arms around my waist. I slipped mine around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug. I had forgotten about this morning until I felt his arm that was still bandanged. I looked down at his arm, there was some blood soaking through.

"You owe me an explanation, mister." I pulled away and crossed my arms over my chest and gave him a 'you're in trouble' look.

"Uh, after I'm done cooking. I promise." He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. I smiled at his warmth, wanting more. You see, we never kiessed before, but I find myself wanting to always do it.

"Okay." I gave him smile and walked out of the kitchen and sat on the couch next to Aaron. We were watching Supernatural, but I wasn't really paying attention. I was distracted by Vic. Before I knew it Vic was coming out of the kitchen telling everyone that breakfest was ready. He walked over to me and stood in front of me.

"Hey are you gonn eat?" I shook my head.

"Not hungry... Can we talk now?" I looked up at him with worried eyes.

"Yeah of course, babe." He smiled at me and I smiled at the little pet name he gave me. He took my hand and led me up to my room. I closed to door and sat next to him on my un-made bed.

"So? Are you gonna tell me why?"

"Oh yeah, right. Uh, well it's a long story so hear it goes..." He took a deep breath and looked down at his hands nervously as he started his explanation.

"Well I was dating this girl a few years ago and she had walked in on me and another girl, we weren't doing anything, we still had our clothes on and stuff, but she thought that I was cheating because, well, we fell asleep together. Her head was resting on my chest and I had my arm around her waist."

"Well I can see why she was upset." I interupted him.

"Jess please just me finish..."

"Right, sorry."

"Thanks. So we fell asleep and when she came over she saw us and she got mad. But she didn't know that the girl was my best friend, Jenna, that I haven't seen in 7 years. She didn't let me explain before she ran out of my house crying. I ran after her but she was already pulling out of the driveway. I got a call later that night from the police telling me that she had slit her wrists in the bathtub and her suicide note said 'This is all his fault.' So yeah..." He looked down at his hands and started to play with his thumbs. I heard faint sobs as he tried to hide the fact that he was crying.

"Oh my god Vic... I'm...I'm so sorry..." I pulled him into a hug and he started to cry.

"It-it's okay.." He chocked out between sobs. I pulled away and lifted his chin so he was looking at me.

"Vic, some things aren't meant to be... But what I know is that I'm meant to go on this tour and I'm meant to be with you. Forever." I leaned in a kissed him him lightly. His lips were soft and warm. He didn't hesitate in kissing me back. Our little kiss turned into a long, lustful one. Vic had gotten on top of me and was kissing me deeply. He starrted to roll his hips into me and thats where I stopped our little make out seesion.

"Vi-Vic I uh-" I was cut off.

"It's okay. You're not ready. We can wait." He kissed me one more time before getting off of me and fixing his hair. I did the same and we walked downstairs to join the guys in watching my favorite show.

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