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Jess's POV

        It's the last day of the tour and I do not want it to fucking end! It was 4 a.m. and Vic, Mike and I just got back from the club we were at. We were all drunk, but me and Mike were high as the sky. Jaime and Tony were asleep on the couch in front of the TV.

"Viicccyyyyyy!!" I whined.

"SSHHHHHH!" Vic told me. I made an innocent look and mouthed 'I didn't do it'. He laughed and shook his head. He leads me to his bunk that I assumed I was sleeping in tonight since Alan has Austin over and Keag has Amy. I really don't wanna walk in on them doing something nasty. I took off the bright red ripped jeans I was wearing and exposed my black laced underwear. I like to sleep in Vic's hoodies for some reason, but it's comfortable as hell. I took off my loose dark grey tank top that had a skull on it, and found Vic's favorite hoodie; his warped '13 one that’s tie dye. I proceeded to crawl into the bunk and covered myself up in the thick comfortable that he really needs since it's always like -20 degrees in here. 

Vic finally came out of the bathroom after what felt like an hour. He was wearing nothing but his new Blink-182 sweat pants that I got him. He smiled at me and crawled into the bunk next to me. I snuggled up into his neck and entangled our legs together. I shut my eyes after closing the curtain and once again, I fell asleep to the soothing sound of his heartbeat.

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating against the back of the bunk. I moved my arm carefully, not to wake Vic. I looked at the caller ID 'Unknown'. I slid the button to the right and pressed it to my face.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Hi Jess." An unfamiliar male voice said.

"Uh, who is this?"

"You don't remember me? I'm your dad." My heart froze.

"I uh... Um." I stuttered.

"I'm standing outside the bus." He said creepily. I hung up immediately and woke up Vic by running to the bathroom. I slammed the door and locked it, causing the whole bus to shake. I sat down in the corner between the toilet and the counter with my knees pressed up to my chest. I buried my head in my arms and began to cry. I couldn't breathe at all; I felt like I was drowning. All the horrible memories of my father came flooding back all at once. 

"Jess?" Vic said through the door. I didn't reply.

"Jess what's wrong?" He said in the most soothing voice. I gave in and unlocked the door and he came in and shut it once again. I resumed my position and tried to keep the sounds to a minimum. 

"Baby, what’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare again?" I felt his warm hand rest on my cold knee. I looked up at him slowly and could barely see him with all these tears in the way. I whipped my eyes and was able to see him. He had the most saddened look on his face; I just wanted to cuddle him until he felt better.

"Jess..." I can tell he's getting worried.

"M-my dad h-he's he-here. He-he called me a-and said th-that he's out-outside th-the bu-bus." I started to cry again and fell into Vic's lap. He started stroking my hair gently until my breathing evened out.

Vic's POV

        Why the hell was Eric here?! How did he even find her? Why does he even care! He's probably just here because she has fame now. What a fucking dick! I'm so pissed right now, He's gonna rue the day he ever showed up at my fucking bus. I tried to put on a show for Jess so she doesn't get more stressed. I waited until she fell asleep to go out and see if that bastard is there. I carefully picked up Jess bridal style and put her into my bunk and covered he up. I kissed her forehead and moved some stray hairs. I walked out to the front of the bus where Tony and Jaime were still sleeping; I quietly looked out the window and saw someone pacing back and forth. I opened the door as quietly as I could and stepped out into the freezing weather. I just remembered that I didn't have a shirt on...

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