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Jess's POV

        I could not believe who was standing in front of me right now. He was supposed to be in jail! How the hell did he get out!? I blacked out for a few seconds, trying to process all of this; I noticed he was pointing a gun at Vic's head.

"Alright man, just relax. I'm no threat to you; just put the gun down and we can all walk away from this." Vic tried to negotiate his way out of this, but that only made Luca more furious. 

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!!" Luca yelled. He was about three feet away from us, but I was still clinging to Vic like he was my dad and I was a scared child. I was crying at this point; terrified that he was going to pull that trigger and I would lose the one I love forever.

"Come on man, what do you want?" Vic asked calmly. His face went blank for a few seconds as he scratched his head with his free hand; he was thinking about it.

"Her." He was pointing the gun at me now; Vic stepped in front of me immediately. 

"Watch where you point that." Vic said harshly. 

"Give her to me, and no one gets hurt."

"She's not an object, Luca." Vic was starting to get defensive.

"She's mine I had her first. I love her more than you." Vic tried to luge at him, but I held onto him tighter as I cried harder. 

"She is not a fucking object you lunatic!" Vic snapped. Next thing I knew, Vic was on the ground crying out in pain and something hard hit me on the side of head; knocking me out instantly.

Vic's POV

*2 hours later*

        I woke up on the ground outside of the venue we just played at. I guess all the guys went out the front to go to a club or something. I tried to stand up, but I felt a sharp pain in my right knee. As a reaction, I quickly grabbed it thinking it would help. I drew back my hand slowly and looked at my hand it was covered in blood. What the hell? I looked closer at my knee to see what had happened; that asshole shot me! Where's Jess? FUCK! I pulled out my phone and dialed her number as fast as I could. I put my phone to my ear and waited. It rang three times; indicating that she saw it was me and didn't answer. Or whoever had her phone... Oh my god, he took her... He fucking took her! The next person I called, I knew I could count on.

"He took her." Was all I could say before I broke down.

"What? Who took whom, Vic?" Mike asked confused whilst slurring his words a little bit.

"Jess! He took Jess!" I yelled at my brother.

"What? Ho-hold on Vic, I'm coming. Where are you?" 

"By our bus." I said calmly.

"Okay I'll be there soon, sit tight." 

"Oh and Mike?" 

"Yeah, bro?" 

"Um, bring an ambulance." I said awkwardly.

"Uh, why?"

"I was kind of shot." 

"WHAT!?" He yelled.

"Relax, just in my knee, I'm fine. Just slowly passing out so move your ass." I hung up and lay down on the cold ground and waited for my brother to show up. 

Pretty soon, I heard the song of an ambulance inching closer and closer to me. I finally relaxed and let the darkness take over.

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