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Vic's POV

        "I fucking told you, he showed up around one or two in the morning, pointed a gun at me and Jess, fucking shot me in the knee, and fucking kidnapped her!" I yelled at Officer Lucker.

"Okay, calm down Mr. Fuentes. Well look over your statement and look into Jessica's and Luc's phone records and try to gather information of where they might be. We will find her, Vic; I promise." He said sincerely. I nodded and showed him out.


        The next day, I got a phone call from officer Luker; he found nothing on the phone records. But he did find out that Luca's father owns a house in Florida by the beach; he didn't give me the address though. He told me he would call the local police there and have them check it out. Mike has been staying with me in a motel in Vegas for a few days so my knee could heal. It didn't hurt as much anymore, and I don't have to change the bandages as often anymore. I can walk, but only with a cane. Currently, I was sitting on my bed flipping through channels on the TV when Mike rams the door in. 

"VIC!" He yells causing me to jump. 

"Jesus Mike!" I spat at him.

"Dude, I have an idea." he sat next to me on my bed and looked at me with the most excited face ever.

"Okay. Do tell." 

"So you know how that asshole is probably keeping her in that house in Tampa Bay, right?" I nodded.

"Well, I know some people down there and they asked around and well..." He handed me a small piece of paper with some writing.

"2913 North 15th street." I whispered to myself.

"Mike what are you trying to say?" I asked.

"The cops aren't going to the house until they have a warrant, and it's already been five days and it'll take at least two weeks for them to get a fucking warrant. So let's just go there ourselves." 

"Mike I-" 

"Okay, no, shut up Vic. She's been in there for almost a week and who knows what the hell is going on in there! I mean, he could've tied her up and-" I cut him off.

"Don't you dare say it Mikey." My eyes started to fill up with tears.

"Sorry... My point is, It's gonna be too long until the cops get there, and something really bad could happen to her by then. So let's take matters into our own hands and go down there and fucking find her!" He yelled at me. 

"Alright." I agreed.

"Good, 'cause our flight leaves in three hours." He said and started to pack. I laughed at him and started packing also.


        We just arrived at the Tampa International Airport in, well, Tampa. It was 1:36 in the morning and we were both exhausted, so we got a hotel room near the house to stay in. In fact, we were conveniently right across the street from the house, and our room was right across from the second floor window. When we got to our room, I threw my stuff down on the floor and threw myself face first onto the closest bed. I heard Mike do the same at first, and then he shifted under the blanket and turned off the lights. 


        I woke up to a banging noise. I looked at my phone that was resting on the side table and checked the time '3:24am'. I went to lay my head back down, when I heard the sound again. I rubbed my eyes and walked over to the window; I never would've expected what I'm seeing.

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