chapter 4

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The break flies by so fast, too fast. I really did not want it to end, I wanted to just stay home all day and relax, but today was going to be my first day at Golden Valley High.

I was forced to wake up at 5:30 by my alarm clock which I quickly hit as hard as I could trying to get it to shut up. I was already dreading this day and waking up this early did not make me any happier. James had helped me pick out my first day outfit because I was pretty much helpless and my nerves were messing with my clarity. He picked out one of the small dresses we thrifted and a tight black long sleeve to wear under and my white sneakers.

It was kinda out of my comfort zone but I also trusted James' fashion input, he was probably the best dressed every day at our old school. I continue to get ready by doing a little makeup, grabbing some breakfast and getting to the bus stop. It was going to take about 30 minutes by bus to get to the school and a 10 minute walk to the school and I wanted to get there a little early so I could find my classes.

The bus ride was boring but I pulled out a book to pass the time and it ended up going by much faster than I thought. Before I knew it I was at my bus spot and it was 7:15 am, I had about 45 minutes before class would start so I had plenty of time to walk the campus and then find all my classes for the day.

Once I got to the campus I was taken back by how large it was causing me to become intimated. The school was pretty empty since it was still pretty early in the morning. When I walked through the front doors I was in awe, surprisingly it looked even bigger on the inside, it was just such a change from my old school. Here it was clean, bright and sophisticated.

I made my way to the big double glass doors that had a small plaque labeled office, their was an old lady with small glasses and a purple cardigan who fretted me with a soft smile. "Hi sweetie, how can I help you this morning?"

"I'm hi I'm Emma Blake" I said nervously, I'm not the best with talking to new people, " today's my first day, I'm a transfer." She nods and types something in her computer then the printer starts to whirl and a couple pieces of paper spit out. She hands them to me then disappears to the back of the office motioning me to stay put.

She comes out with another girl around my age I'm guessing who has long curly hair, brown skin with freckles scattered across her nose. "Hi I'm Kyla" she smiles at me widely with perfect white teeth. "I-I'm Emma" I state nervously.

"Nice to meet you Emma, I'll be showing you around campus today." She smiles then gestures to me too hand her my papers which I give her. She stands there and reads them over still keeping her perfect smile intact. "Oh cool we have a couple classes together so this will make it easier to show you around." I nod in response slightly intimidating by her kindness but also hoping I can latch onto her so I at least have someone here. We begin to walk to what I'm assuming is my first class, "where are you transferring from?" She asks.

"Eastern High" I said trying to read her facial expressions, but it still stays at its happy state.

"Oh yeah I've heard of it, I'm sure you'll love it here though. Have you thought about any clubs or extracurriculars? I saw you're taking a lot of AP classes so I'm guessing you're pretty smart."

"I mean I'm alright" I said not really sure how to respond so I don't sound to cocky or too humble, "but yeah I was thinking about it, it's good for colleges." I state and she nods in response.

"I know tell me about it, it's so competitive nowadays," she says and I let out a small chuckle, " but you should look into the tutoring program, you even get paid and with your classes and grades I'm sure you would be welcomed, I do it too we are meeting after school today if you would like to join?"

"Yeah that would be great, thank you so much" I was genuinely enjoying her presence she seemed like such a kind person.

"Of course let's meet after school at the office then we will walk from there," she states then we come to a stop in front of what I believe to be my AP Chemistry class. "Here's your first class, I'm just down the hall so I'll pick you up and we can walk to Art together ok?"

"Y-Yeah that's great, t-thank you so much" I stuttered, shit I don't even know why I did that I guess it was just the nerves.

Just as I turned around to walk into my class I bump into what I thought was a wall knocking me down on the ground. I look up to see piercing blue eyes staring right down at me. I pull myself up trying to avoid his gaze, but as I try to walk past him he side steps blocking my path. I look up at him, his stare was enough to send shivers down my spine. "Who are you?" He says, his deep voice echoes through the hallway and causes my mind to go blank.

"E-Emma." I whisper.

"Well Emma" he cocks his head looking down at me in a demeaning manner, "Are you new?" He asks and I was taken back wondering why he even cares about me at all. I nod in response and he chuckles, "so you don't know who I am do you?" I shake my head no in response, I could not physically get the words out of my mouth. "I'm Tristan, you remember that name."

"I'll try not too" I mumbled trying to make my way past him but he grabs my arm pulling me back while his posse of other boys chuckle behind him. "What did you say?" He now had a small scowl on his face but I was able to take in him attractiveness, his face was extremely chiseled and he had nice lips. His blonde hair was the perfect length and his muscles were peaking though his shirt.

"I-I said I'll try not too" I manage to get out but it sounded weak, very weak. "Can I go to class now please?" I ask as I try to wiggle my arm out of his grasp

"No" he states as he tightens his grip on me. "I want an apology." A small smirk forms on his face and I realized I hadn't even said sorry for bumping into him earlier I was just so nervous it slipped my mind.

"Oh y-yeah I'm sorry my b-bad" I then try to bury my head down away from his gaze but he pulls me back yet again.

"Good girl" he says sternly and an eruption of laughter comes from behind him, he ducks down and whispers in my ear, "I'm gonna have fun with you" he then releases me from his grip and just walks away from me like nothing happened. I rub my sore arm and duck my head away from all the staring eyes while I walk into my class right before the bell rings.

This was going to be a long day.

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