chapter 6

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Tristan POV

Just when I think I was really starting to get under her skin that stupid bell rings and she bolted out of the class before I could stop her. She practically ran out the door which surprised me but made me chuckle. I honestly wouldn't have even noticed her if she hadn't bumped into me today but she just looked so confused and helpless I couldn't help myself. Then when I saw her in my class is what like the universe was telling me to mess with her.

It was quite entertaining watching her try to ignore me but I had to have my own fun with her and what better way than to steal her stuff. It was quite easy since she barely even fought back except when I took her book and I finally got the reaction I had been waiting for. I could have been a lot worse towards her but since it was the first day and I'd get to sit next too her for the next whole semester.

She wasn't my usual target though, she didn't look super nerdy like some of the other loser weirdos in this school. She was actually kinda pretty but definitely not my type, far from it actually. I mean their wasn't much too her she basically had the body of a prepubescent boy and plus she was obviously up tight and a fucking geek.

I thought about catching up to her and messing with her some more but we still had a half a day of school left I was sure I'd see her again. I made my way to my usual table where my friends waited for me. "Hey Tristan, ready for the big game Friday?" My friend Derek asks, he was a year older than me but we have been best friends since my day one of high school.

"Is that even a question bro? Of course I am when am I not ready?" I say and let out a small chuckle.

"I know, I know but Eastern High is actually slightly better this year I heard, I mean their still shit but better shit." He says and the group of girls sitting besides him all let out loud fake laughter.

"Speaking of Eastern High, did you guys see the new girl who just transferred from there?" A blonde girl named Bethany asks her group of friends. We hooked up a couple times and she got a little attached so the aftermath was a little messy so it's a little awkward that she had to weasel her way into my crowd.

"Ugh why do they keep taking these transfers the schools already big enough, plus Eastern High is full of a bunch of idiots." The brunette who I'm not sure what her name even is says and they all nod in agreement.

"Wait did you say girl?" I ask and all the girls snap their heads in my direction, some flash me a big smile others look like they want to kill me.

"Yeah but don't get your hopes up she's not all that" Bethany says and the girls all let out a chuckle, I swear they are like a pack of Hyenas.

"Well it will be nice to have some fresh meat around isn't that right Johnson?" Derek says smirking evilly.

"Don't worry I'm already working on it" I say not wanting Derek to steal this fun from me, I only talked to her twice but I enjoyed messing with her head already.

"Any plans yet?"

"I sit next to her in a class so I'll have plenty of opportunities to get under her skin, who knows maybe she'll even transfer back" I say letting out a low chuckle. "I'll be back though I gotta piss."

"Same I'll come with you." Derek says.

We make our way around the corner and I look at the end of the hall and there she is, she's sitting on the large window seat reading her book all by herself of course. I stop Derek from entering the bathroom and pull him back, at first he was confused then he caught me glance and spotted her as well. "Ahhh is that the new girl?" He chuckles lowly.

"Yeah her names Emily I think, would you like to go say hi?" I ask Derek with a mischievous grin knowing damn well we were going to disrupt her peaceful state. Derek nods and we make our way to her and she doesn't take her focus off that damn book until we are standing right in front of her. Derek slides into the the other half of the window seat she was not occupying and I lean against the wall next to her, we looked like we were predators surrounding our prey.

When she looks up at me she immediately shuts her book and attempts to grab her bag but I was quicker than her and grabbed it first. "Hi again Emily, long time no see." I state and she rolls her eyes at me leaning further back into the window.

"It's Emma" she whispered quietly but just loud enough for me to catch it.

"Oh my bad, I keep mixing you up. You just aren't very memorable I guess." I say and Derek and I join in a loud laugh as she sits there clearly unamused.

"Well Emma why did you transfer to our school?" Derek asks.

"This school has better academics, it will help me get into a better college." She states with a neutral expression and it's kinda infuriating me that I can't read what she's thinking right now.

"I'm not buying it" I say and she shoots me a confused glare, "I bet you had a little boy break your heart and you ran away, it's actually a pretty common pattern here for transfers."

"Or maybe I care about my education?" She beams.

"Your right I'm probably wrong considering the fact you obviously are a virgin" I say with a small smirk I feel making it's way to my lips. She doesn't even look at me she just attempts to grab her bag but now I am holding it over her head.

"Can you give me my bag I don't want to be late to class" she asks.

"Aw did I hurt your feelings?" I ask sarcastically, cocking my head to one side and pouting my lips at her.

"No I just don't wanna be around you anymore and would like to leave." She states with that same neutral expression, I'm trying to get a reaction out of her but it's not working right now and I'm growing impatient.

"Don't be sad, I never said their was anything wrong with being a virgin" she meets my eyes now and I can tell she's even more confused, "I personally love them, easily excitable." I say shooting her a wide smile.

"He's right" Derek pipes in.

"Can you just fuck off and give me my bag" she says and I'm a little excited cause I can see her anger coming out.

"That's no way to ask for something is it?" I ask her in a demeaning tone.

"Well maybe you shouldn't take things that don't belong to you?" She shoots at me.

"Oh Emma, you'll learn soon enough I take a lot of things that don't belong to me." I say and I can see her neutral wall completely break that she had been trying to keep up. I could see her sadness, embarrassment, anger and confusion all in her face. I drop her which she quickly picks up and walks away not looking back, keeping her head to the ground. I usually feel accomplished when I do that to  any of the other nerds, but I kinda feel bad seeing her defeated.

"She's actually kinda cute though dude." Derek says bringing me back to reality and I just shrug in response not wanting to think about how I also thought she was cute when she was standing up for herself and using that smart mouth of hers to snap back at me.

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