chapter 5

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Chemistry was dreadfully slow as the minutes ticked by, I got sat next to some quiet boy which was nice at least I didn't have to worry about embarrassing myself again around him. Finally the bell rings and I wait outside my class for Kyla. I stand there for a couple minutes and start to worry she might have forgotten about me, but then I see her curly bar in the sea of students and relax.

"Oh my god I heard about you bumping into Tristan, are you ok?" She asks I was still in shock about what had happened that I just shrugged not really answering her question. We walked to Art class together and she even invites me to sit with some of her friends and her in the class. It goes by pretty fast and before we go out separate ways she gives me directions to my next class Anatomy, I was able to choose anatomy as my elective this year and I was really excited because I may want to pursue something in the medical field, I'm not sure yet but it could be an option.

I reached the class opened the door and I was one of the first students there, I went and introduced myself to my teacher Ms. Summer, she had long blonde hair and was pretty young compared to other teachers. In the class, the seats are set up in groups of two desks, she walked me over to my seat and soon after the students started to trickle in. She had the new seating chart printed out and sitting in the front of the classroom for the other students to see, she had shown me where my desk was so I had no clue who would sit next to me. I look around and almost all the seats are taken and the bell is about to ring so I became anxious too see who would be my new partner.

The bell rang and I still had no one sitting next to me, I was a little hurt at first but I figured they might be late or didn't come today. Just as Ms. summer began speaking the door was thrown open and everyone's attention was turned to Tristan interrupting the whole class. Ms. Summer rolled her eyes at him, I'm guessing this isn't her first encounter with him. I look down at my paper trying to use my hair to hide my face from his, I was just hoping he wouldn't notice me and that maybe he had already forgotten about me.

"Tristan Johnson, please find your seat and sit down you are already late." Ms. Summer says as she gives him a stern look. Tristan makes his way to the small piece of paper scanning it for his name, I stare at the empty seat besides me now wishing it would stay empty forever. I look back up towards the front of the class and see Tristan staring right back at me with a small grin on his face, but I quickly dart my eyes back down to my papers. Then the inevitable happened and Tristan made his way to the empty seat next to me and plopped right down but I didn't look at him even though I wanted to, I just acted unfazed and continued reading the papers Ms. Summer had handed out.

She starts to go over the syllabus that I have read about twice already in my attempt to keep my mind off the devil sitting next to me when suddenly the paper is swiped from me. I look over at Tristan who is now reading from mine, he hadn't gotten one cause he was late and didn't really seem to care in the first place. Ms. Summer just continues reading and I was a little too scared to ask for my paper back from him so I just kept my attention ahead of me.

Ms.Summer finishes talking to us about the expectations and such then gives us the last 20 minutes to do whatever we want. Tristan then grabs a pen from his bag and flips my paper he stole over and begins doodling. My curiosity peaks and I look over to see what he is drawing on my paper and not really to my surprise I see a huge penis drawn on the back. I roll my eyes and walk up to Ms.Summer and ask for a new paper which she happily hands over to me.

Once I sit down I securely place my paper in my binder and immediately back into my backpack and grab my book to start reading to pass the time but that is quickly snatched out of my hand too. I look over at Tristan who is examining my book like it's a foreign object he's never seen before. "What are you some fucking nerd" he blurts out with a chuckle.

"Yeah I guess" I say lowly reaching back for my book that he hides behind his back now. "Tristan can I please have my book back?" I plead just wanting to relax and read my freaking book.

"Ahh so you remember my name, good girl follow orders" he winks at me and I sink further down into my chair surprised by his words.

"Stop calling me that it's fucking weird just give me my book."

"You're feisty, I like it but I'll give you your book on one condition."

"How about you just give me my book because it's mine with no conditions?" I say as I reach over him snatching the book from his hands and turning my back to him. Just then the bell rings and I grab my things basically running out the door to lunch before Tristan can say or do anything else.

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