chapter 17

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Tristan POV

I held her by her hips as she continued to straddle me and catch her breathe. I feel her hips shift underneath me and I let out a small groan as I feel my dick twitch at her movements. I tighten my grip on her body trying to hold her in place before she starts something I know she can't finish yet.

"I told you I'd make it up to you" I say in a cocky tone and watch a shy smile creep up on her face.

"Thank you" she quietly squeaks out which makes me want to pull her back and give her more.

I hear my phone buzz and go to grab it as Emma moves off my lap. I adjust myself trying to hide my uncomfortable hardness, but Emma seems to notice as she gulps and looks down embarrassed when she got caught. I love her shyness, it's cute and makes me realize that this is actually special to this girl.

I check the time and realize we have been her way too long and we will be missing almost all of our classes. "Em, I'm sorry I lost track of time its kinda late we'll get back when school ends" I say reluctantly worrying if she'll be mad at me or even hate me.

"It's okay I didn't want to get back anyway" she says and I exhale loudly glad she wasn't mad at me after the moment we just had.

"God I'm a horrible influence on you" I say half joking and half not but she just lets out a laugh. I watch as her face brightens when she laughs and her laugh isn't annoying and fake like the other girls I'm around, it's way more genuine than them. "Don't worry I won't ruin you quite yet" I blurt out without really thinking and look over thinking she'd be mad but she still has that shy smile.

Before I do anything else to this girl I start the car and begin to drive back to the school. I look over to catch glances of her looking out the window, I reach over and grab her hand to hold while I drive with my free hand. When we connect hands we interlock fingers and I catch a glimpse of her bright red cheeks. We drive like that in comfortable silence till we get to the school.

The bell had just rang so the students were starting to pour into the parking lot. She goes to grab her shit from the back seat but I beat her too it and hand it too her. "Do you have a ride home, if not you can wait and I can give you a ride home after practice?" I ask.

"No it's okay imma take the bus home" she says and I can't help but frown at her words, I didn't like her taking the bus with a bunch of randoms.

"No I'll drive you just wait" I demand but she just rolls her eyes at me and crosses her arms.

"I'm taking the bus, it's not that bad I just read and it goes by pretty fast" she explains with a bratty tone.

"God you're difficult" I mumble just loud enough so she can hear me.

"So are you" she says with a small smirk. I'm slightly angry at her defiance and attitude, but her small smile washes it away. I pull her into my and give her a soft kiss knowing all eyes were on us but I didn't care cause I wanted everyone too know she was mine.

She pulls away first and looks around clearly noticing all the stares from everyone in the parking lot and her cheeks turn red again. "Go on take your bus" I huff and she smiles at me and starts to walk towards the side walk she takes to get to the bus.

"Bye" she says lowly and gives me a little wave.

"Bye Em, text me when you get home" I say and she responds by nodding yes. Once she disappears down the street I turn to get my stuff out of my car for practice when I hear a some people approaching.

I turn my head to see Derek and Bethany and some other bleach blonde girls that look exactly like her that I don't recognize. "What was all that about?" Derek asks leaning against my car.

"Nothing" I lie.

"So you seal the deal or what man" he says and reaches his hand out to dab me up which I decline by staring him down and he brings his down. "Damn what she do, bite your dick or something?" He asked causing the audience of girls behind us to laugh.

"Shut the fuck up Derek" I snarled at him.

"I didn't pin her as the slut type" Bethany pipes in and I roll my eyes at her hypocrisy.

"She's not" I say slamming the trunk close, "she's nothing like you." I say as I walk off to the field locking my car behind me ready to fucking kill all of them if they keep talking about her like that. I hear Bethany yell something stupid probably fuck you or something of zero substance but I keep walking.

I hear Derek approaching me as I head into the locker room and I pick up my pace trying to avoid his idiot self. "Hey man what was that all about?" He asks.

"Nothing your just annoying" I say and he laughs thinking I'm joking.

"Bro I was just messing around" he says getting his shit out of his locker "but what is going on with you and the weirdo girl" he asks and I slam my locker in response.

"Don't talk about her like that" I say trying to keep my cool but not try to sound too possessive of Emma, Derek had a pattern of going after the same girls I did. It never really bothered me till now cause I didn't really feel anything towards those girls.

"Oh come on Tristan" he says "I'm just messing around just like you are with her. Just let me know when you're done cause I wouldn't mind a piece of her, I beat she really has that sexy nerd thing going on." He says but I push him into the row of lockers earning a look of shock.

"Do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up before I make you" I say earning a small weak nod from Derek.

I slam through the doors of the locker room and make my way to the field hoping to calm myself down so I don't go back and rip off his head. I just have to make it through a practice without killing him.

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