chapter 26

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Emmas POV

"He's so hot" James whispers in my ear as we make our way outside. 

"Shut up please" I say half joking, I don't need Tristan's ego too be feed more than it already is. Walking down the stairs quickly then out the door we make our way to the street where Derek is standing outside his black BMW. His eyes shine with amusement as he sees me walking with Tristan, and a knowingly smirk creeps up on his face as if too say 'I know what you did'. Him and Tristan embraced in a manly handshake, back slap thing. 

He takes my bag from my shoulder and puts it in the trunk of his car as I say goodbye to James who is in awe of Derek, who is exactly the kind of guy James is into however I'm not sure if Derek swings that way but thats some info I guess I'll have to find out. 

I sit in the backseat behind the drivers seat expecting Tristan and Derek to sit up front, but to my surprise Tristan slides in next to me in the middle seat throwing an arm around my shoulder rubbing my arm with the pad of his thumb in a soothing pattern. Derek drives us to school and it is a pretty silent ride but I don't miss Derek peaking at us through the rear view mirror wiggling his eyebrows or a wink causing my cheeks to burn pink. 

"How did you guys sleep" Derek said braking the silence and I could tell by his playful tone he didn't actually mean that because it had a much more sexual undertone. I break the eye contact in the mirror from him but Tristan takes his free hand and slaps Derek in the arm. "Hey! You can't hit the driver, your life is in my hands you know" he says reaching back to slap Tristan's arm. 

"Well if you must know I slept like a baby thanks to this one" he says winking at me and causing a laugh to vibrate through the car from Derek. This time I'm the one slapping him, and I back hand him in his rock hard stomach which probably hurt me more than him and before I can retract it he's grabbing my wrist and pulling me into his lap. "Don't be a brat" he whispers in my ear suddenly sounding serious.

"Don't give me a reason to be one" I whisper back not quite knowing where the confidence came from but it clearly shocked Tristan as much as it shocked me cause I saw the hairs on the back of his neck rise and his eyes grow wide. He just nods his head and grips onto my wrist firmly and places my hand over his groin. Through his jeans I could feel him hard and now I'm palming him through his jeans, looking into his eyes they were full of intensity, his jaw was clenched and his chest was rising with heavy breathes. 

However the moment ended when Derek hit the brakes hard and I was now aware we had just pulled up to the school parking lot. Derek got out of the car first to talk to a girl he had parked next too, leaving us alone in the car. "Fuck Em," he whispers out, "you almost had me cumming in my pants." And before I had time to respond his mouth was on mine, his tongue already in my mouth and battling for dominance. "After my game, you are going to finish what you started" he said planting on last soft kiss on my mouth before reaching over me and pushing open the door.

Walking out of the car I felt eyes on me from all directions, I looked around and people from all crowds were staring at me climbing out of the car with Tristan. I felt a wave of shame over come me, even though I knew I had nothing to be ashamed of but I couldn't help but feel.. dirty I guess. I mean I guess I went a little fast with Tristan but it was hard to resist him, he makes me feel wanted, and hot and makes me crazy. Most of these girls sending me death stares would do the same if they were in my shoes. However its the amused looks that get too me, the girls and guys in their groups staring at us then someone says something I can only assume is about me and the whole group laughs and looks at me with almost pity.

It makes me question Tristans intentions, I'm not expecting to be his girlfriend, I don't even know if he does those. I just want to have fun I guess for the first time in a long time, and I like the way he makes me feel wanted. It had been a long time since I felt that, I don't know if I ever really did. I just keep telling myself I won't care if he leaves, if this is all a part of an act and it wouldn't hurt me if he does.

I keep telling myself this cause I'm waiting for it too come true, but his arm on my shoulder feels pretty nice right now so I should just enjoy it while it lasts I guess. 


Hi sorry I haven't been updating I recently got a very bad injury through soccer so its been hard dealing with it but now I have more time and will try to start updating some more and more often.

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