chapter 28

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Emmas POV

The day ended and Tristan had told me he had to do watch some film before the game and then prepare for the game so I told him I'd just meet up with him after the game if he wanted. I'm going through my drawers figuring out what I want to wear. I don't have any Golden Valley School merch but I do have a East Valley hoodie I could wear but I don't think that would make me very popular at school and I can imagine Tristan would be pissed. 

However I do have a pair of yellow converse which is one of Golden Valleys colors so I guess that will be good enough for tonight. The games against Golden Valley were always a big deal at East Valley because they were the rich assholes who got everything they wanted, the new field, new computers, new bathrooms everything even though we live in the same city. So it was always a grudge match for us. I went to a couple football games but only because I went through a football boy phase after reading a football romance series sophomore year but was greatly disapointed. 

James is suppose to come over at around 5:30 with some people from school and we are going to carpool there. I guess one of them is a football player but doesn't take the team bus so if we want a ride we gotta leave early with him which I don't mind. Just went I was pouring myself a glass of water the front door opens and Dylan enters our apartment throwing his backpack and himself onto our couch. 

"Emma" he yells into the coach as he still lays face down in it. 

"Yes Dylan" I mockingly say in a singsong voice.

"I'm tired" he says flipping himself around so he can see me. 

"I can tell" I say back, "but atleast you get the next five days off though right." 

"Yeah" he mumbles as he curls up on the couch "Paris will probably stay over a couple nights here" he says which basically means try and see if you can spend the night at James for a day or two unless you want to sleep with earplugs. 

"You guys getting serious?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows.

"Ehh maybe" he says burying himself back into the couch. Thats about how much I ever get from him about his relationships he doesn't share much.

"I'm going to a football game so I will probably stay over at James tonight too" I say hinting to the fact I understand he wants the apartment for him and Paris.

"Sounds good, have fun and don't get pregnant" he mumbles as he stretches out on the couch.

"I'll try my best not too" I say grabbing a sweatshirt and pulling it on over my head. I head out the door and meet James at the stairwell where we walk out to the street he makes a comment about my shoes being the "ugliest shade of yellow he has ever seen". James leads us to a red Toyota Corolla with tinted windows so I couldn't quite see who was in the front driving but James opens the car door and pushes me inside so harshly that to an outsider it might look like I'm getting kidnapped.

"Hey Em" the driver says and I snap my head up to the stranger behind the wheel, I still have no clue who it is cause of the hood but James shuts the door leaving us trapped. Just as I was about to say something the stranger turns towards us removing his hood and running a hand through his brown hair. Kyle. I haven't seen or talked to him since the time in the diner. "Miss me?" he asks flashing me a bright smile.

"Hi Kyle" I say sinking back into my seat and buckling up my seat belt. The guy sitting next to him is not a football player but a guy from East Valley that I didn't really know. 

"Excited for the game?" Kyle asks as he pulls out into the street and we begin driving to our destination. 

"Yeah are you?" I ask.

"Of course this is the best game of the season and our team is good this year. I hope you told your friends there to be prepared for a beatdown" He says winking at me in the rearview mirror and I feel the blush on my cheeks start to appear.

"Hmm we will see about that" I say lightheartedly. However I do feel torn about who to cheer on this game, the school I went to for the past two and a half years or the school I'll be at for the next year and a half. 

"What are you doing after the game?" He asks making a sharp right turn.

"Not sure yet" I say.

"Well my offer still stands if you wanna do something tonight, we were probably gonna go to this after party thing for a little bit if you want to come?" He asks and I see a glimmer of hope in his eyes as they lock in mine through the mirror once more.

I open my mouth to give some excuse that I will think about it or something when Jame beats me too it by saying, "We would love to party!" I shot him a small glare to which he just shrugs.

"Great we will meet after the game here then and I'll drive us over its not too far away from here either." He says pulling into the school parking lot which is already filled with cars from students arriving early. We all step out of the car and I scan the sea of cars looking for anyone. Well not just anyone.

Thats when I lock eyes with the bluest pairs of orbs I've ever seen. He is heading into the locker rooms with the rest of the team but he stops when he sees me never breaking eye contact. I send him a small nervous wave and he gives me back a goofy smile. I start to make my way towards him when his eyes catch something behind me and make his face drop instantly. I turn around to see Kyle holding his football gear in one hand and his car keys in the other, he has also noticed Tristan and now its a battle of whos gonna break first. 

But before I can say anything both of them tear their gaze towards the East Valley High Bus that just pulled into the parking lot. I go to look back towards Tristan but when I do he's already got his back towards me walking into the locker room. I feel my stomach sink knowing he's mad at me and hurt. I didn't know Kyle was going to pick me up, it wasn't just me and him James was their too. Plus we are not official in any sense so he doesn't have any control over who I can and can't talk too. 

But really the only person I want to talk to right now is him.  

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