chapter 27

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Tristans POV

Its game day. 

Which means everyone is hyper and upbeat. Some people enjoy this day a little too much, I mean its a high school football game we have one every week so why go crazy, every single week. I texted with my parents during second period and shocker, they can't make it. They have never really been big on me playing football and honestly, recently I haven't been either. 

My parents are rich as shit and like everything, even money comes with a price. That price happens to be me. I don't mean to sound needy but they haven't been there for me since middle school if even then. Never showing up to games, never being home, missing birthdays, holidays and even when I get in trouble they do nothing. At this point I'm pretty sure they will just write me a check for college and officially write me out of their lives. I doubt they will include me on the family business and fortune, and even though people think I am this golden child that my parents must be so proud of, I'm not. They are only proud of my brother but I haven't even seen him since he moved out for college two years ago. I guess I am what they call the black sheep of the family.

It sucks when their is all this happy energy surrounding me in these halls when on the inside I sometimes feel so empty. But lately the emptiness doesn't consume me as much as it did before, when I'm with Emma I feel more alive than I have in a long time. I feel like I belong when I'm around her. 

I think she just has that affect on people though, making them feel welcomed. She is so kind and warm which is crazy to think she could like me when I'm so mean and cold, but they do say opposites attract.  I know I sound crazy for thinking so much about her, but for the first time I want to pursue a future. With her. 

I had no plans on what I want to do for college, for a job I'm going to work at for the rest of my life, or where I want to grow old but I know I want a future with her. However long it lasts I want to give it a try. 

The day goes by so slow until Anatomy comes around and I don't spend any time lingering in the halls like I usually do in my other classes. I'm early and of course miss goodie goodie is early to. Already got her notebook and pencil out. Its crazy the amount of determination this girl has to do good in school. Even though she has literally no resources like I do, she still excels. I know she has gone through a lot even though she has never opened up about it, but I hope she does cause I want to know all of her. 

I take my usual seat and she gives me a shy smile before her attention is on the notes the teacher is projecting onto the screen. I try to keep up with her note taking but she writes so fucking fast man that I can't even read half the words on my paper. Before I know it the bell is ringing indicating lunch and Emma is swinging her back pack on before I had even put my books away. I basically throw everything in my bag and swivel through the hall ways before I spot the back of her head in the sea of students. I make my way through and grab the back of her backpack jerking her back into me. 

"I don't like it when you run away from me" I say softly wrapping my arm around her shoulder while walking with her, I'm scared if I let go she will run away. 

"I wasn't running" she says quickly.

"Whatever you say" I say in a singsong tone, "I'm eating lunch with you." 

"You are?" she asks like she is in disbelief.

"Yup and we are going to discuss tonight" I say leading us to the stairwell I know she likes to sit at.

"What about tonight?" She asks.

"My game is tonight and you're coming, then we can do something after just us." I say as we sit in the small window seal hidden in the corner of the school. 

"Okay" she says shyly as she fidgets with her fingers.

"Where are you sitting at the game?" I ask.

"I'm not sure probably with James" she says and my heart sinks.

"You're not gonna root for me?" I ask blinking rapidly bringing out the so called puppy dog eyes.

"No, no, no" she stammers, "I'm rooting for you I promise."

"Sit on the home side then, even with James just make sure he knows his team is losing tonight." 

"Okay I will then" she says and flashes me a small smile. But we are interrupted my the dinging of my phone over and over again like someone just died. But no its Derek asking where the fuck I am and why I'm not eating lunch with him. I roll my eyes and turn my phone off, I just don't feel like hanging out with people I can barely tolerate and where I have to pretend.

"Are you sure you want to eat here?" Emma asks breaking the silence. 

"Yeah why wouldn't I?" I ask back shifting closer so our legs are touching. 

"Well all your friends are over there, I just don't want to hold you back" she says opening a bag and pulling out an apple.

"Trust me you aren't holding me back," I say grabbing the apple out of her hand and taking a bite of the sweet juicy apple. It kinda tastes just like her. I hand her back the apple and she takes a bite from the same place I did and I say "I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be." 

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