chapter 10

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Tristans POV

She actually reached in my pocket and grabbed them. Wow. I was shocked she actually did it. I wasn't expecting her to stand up for herself yet again I figured she would break and just give me her what I wanted from now on.

During lunch instead of eating with friends I went to the weight room to work out since I had that stupid tutoring after school. After only 30 minutes of lifting I had to clean myself up and get ready for my next class.

As I was walking out the room I look over at the stair case leading to my next class and see her sitting their reading a different book than the day before. I stay behind the wall and watch as she continues to turn the pages completely unbothered by a disgusting couple groping each other on the window seal. The first bell rings and she shoots her head up grabbing her bag and walking up the stairs, I want to follow her and maybe mess with her by pulling her backpack so she stumbles back.

But I choose against it for now and just head to my classes.

The final bell rings and I head to the library pulling out the paper Mr. A had given me and text the number on it.

Hey Mr.A said you're tutoring me I'm heading to library now.

I open up the doors and it's pretty empty for the most part a couple of groups of students studying but that was really it. I look down on my phone at the message that just got sent to me.

Unknown: I'm in the back near the historical fiction section

I had no clue where the hell the historical fiction section was, to be honest this was one of my first times in the library. I make my way to the back looking for some nerd dude with giant glasses or something. I decide to just call this person cause I'm completely lost.

As I press call I hear the buzzing of a phone on the next isle over and quickly make my way over there and when I turn the corner I see Emma holding the phone up to her ear.

"Hello?" I hear her say.

"Hey" I say loud enough so she can hear me. She jerked her head around and when she meet my eyes a look of pure shock overcame them. She grabbed her stuff and attempted to walk past me but I grabbed her arm pulling her back.

She looked uncomfortable so I let go and sat down in the chair next to hers. "Well it looks like I'm stuck with you." I say.

"This has to be some kind of mistake, I've got to talk to Kyla." She says nervously.

"No mistake Mr.A told me himself." I state, "please just sit, I promise I don't bite...unless you want me too." She shoots me a glare and I throw my hands up as a fake surrender. She reluctantly sits down in the chair getting her stuff out again and I can't help but crack a smile.

"Let me see your grades." She asks sternly.

"Ugh why" I ask.

"I need to see what classes we need to work on" she says as I hand her my phone with my grades. I was kinda embarrassed now knowing she was the one tutoring me and would see my weaknesses. "Chemistry, History and English all need some work."

"Yeah I know"

"Okay well what homework do you have for those classes?" She asks.

"I don't have any homework today for those classes."

"Well then we can just go over some stuff than."

"Nope" I say and she hangs her head in defeat and let's put an annoyed sign, "let's get out of here I can't do any work in this place."

"You can't do any work in a library?" She asks "What too many distractions?" She jokes and I let out a small chuckle, she was actually quite funny.

"No I just hate it here, let's go to my house" I state and she looks up to me confused.

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"I have to walk to the bus from here and I can't miss it."

"You take the bus" I ask and she nods, "then I'll drive you home."

"No, no, no it's a 20 minute drive I don't need you to do that for me." She states.

"Nonsense it's not a big deal" I say as I grab her bag from her chair and start walking out the library watching her follow like a small child who just had just thrown a temper tantrum in a store. We make our way to the car and I put her stuff in the back and open my door and she's just standing outside the car unsure of what to do.
"What?" I ask and she just shrugged, "well don't just stand there get in." She opens the car and sits down nervously. We sit in silence the whole 10 minute drive and pull up to my house and her jaw drops slightly.

"This is your house?" She asks.

"Yup way better than a library right?" I ask and she nods. We walk in the house and I walk up stairs to my room and motion her to follow me and she does. She kinda just stands their and observes the room looking at all my posters and trophies. "So what do you wanna do?" I ask.

"Well we could make a schedule for this week or we could get started and just look over some of the content and get you caught up on-"

"Stoppppp please" I beg "let's watch a movie I pick."


"Come on I don't have any work today and it can be good so we get to know each other."

"Fine but I have work at 6 though so I have to be there on time."

"Where do you work?" I ask

"I'm a waitress at a diner." Cute I think to myself.

"Is the food any good there?"

"It's alright."

"Great now I know where I'm eating tonight after the movie." She looks over at me slightly amused and I just shrugged and hit play on a movie laying down on my bed, but she is still standing up in the middle of my room. "Are you just gonna stand there the whole time or are you going to sit down" I say and scoot over so she has more room. She reluctantly sits on the edge of the bed and leans back to watch the movie but all I'm doing is watching her.

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