chapter 15

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Tristan POV

I took her to the rock I go to too escape my life at home, I haven't taken many people here maybe just some friends to smoke and drink but not to just sit and enjoy. Most of the time I come here I'm not in a good mood but when I'm with her I am.

We eat our burgers and I can't help but watch the way she admires the scenery. Once we finish I stand up and reach for her hand to help her up. She rolls her eyes and reluctantly grabs my hand. "Come on." I say turning on my heel and dragging her down the trail. We make our way to the water line and I turn around to see her confused face. I pull my shirt off over my head and I catch her gazing at me with her lips slightly parted but then she looks down embarrassed. "Wanna go for a swim?" I say stepping closer too her and she starts to play with her hands nervously.

"Oh no I don't have anything to swim in" she says and I let out a small laugh. She looks up at me all confused and innocent.

"I don't have one either," I say trying to fight back the smirk, "come on don't be a pussy." She glared at me and crosses her arms, I don't pay much attention to her as I undo my belt and start to take off my pants. She immediately turns around and mumbles something to herself. "Em I'm sorry but come on it will be fun and I promise I won't look."

She turns back around but still looks at the ground, "go then get in" she says and I smile removing the last of my clothing except my underwear and sinking into the water till my waist is covered. "And turn around" she adds and I obey. I wish I hadn't though, I hear her clothes hit the ground and it's taking all my will power to not look.  She lets out a small shriek as I hear her enter the water. "It's cold."

"Come over here then I can warm you up" I say still turned around.

"Shut it Tristan not funny" she says and I tilt my head back and laugh.

"Fine just get in here, this waiting is killing me" I say and it was true it was taking all my will power to not turn around.

"Okay I'm in" she finally says and I turn around to see her standing about a foot away from me. She was in a small white bra with a tiny bow at the bottom, I just wanted to rip it off of her. She takes her long hair and throws it in a messy bun and I feel myself getting hard. What was this girl doing to me? I can't believe I'm getting hard over a messy bun. But I can't help it she just looks so perfect and angelic.

"What is it?" She asks with a slightly horrified look on her face, like she thought I was judging her.

"You're perfect" I blurt out before even thinking.

"Trust me I'm far from it" she says and I shake my head, it hurts me that she doesn't realize how beautiful she is but it also is what draws me too her.

"I wanna know more about you" I say and take a step towards her.

"What do you wanna know?"

"Everything, what about a game?"

"What game?" She asks as she tilts her head at me in curiosity.

"20 questions, I ask you a question you ask me one till we hit 20" I explain and she nods her head in agreement.

"Okay" I say trying to think of an easy question, "what's your favorite color?"

"Forest green" she says, "what's your favorite color?"

"Navy blue" I say and she smiles back at me, I want to know what's going on in her head right now, "have you ever had a boyfriend?" I ask and she looks down and shakes her head like she's embarrassed, "hey it's ok I haven't had on either."

"Really?" She's asks and looks up at me.

"First off that counts as your question and second off  I really haven't had a girlfriend ever." What I said was true, I've messed around with girls but never seriously dated before.

"That's surprising." She says.

"Well it's true" I tell her. "Okay I'm next, what's your family like?" Again she tilts her head down, I seem to be asking all the wrong questions.

"Um well my dad left a long time ago, my mom isn't around much so she pretty much left too but I live with my older brother Dylan he's 21" she says and I can see the hurt in her eyes, I hadn't realized how much she was hiding.

"Why are you mean to me one second then nice the next?" She asks and I'm kinda taken back and don't know how to respond.

"Cause I like you but I'm a jerk, that's all I know" she smirks and nods her head.

"Do you like me?" I ask and take another step forward now we are only a couple inches apart, I can tell she's nervous by her heavy breathing and her chest moving up and down. I take my hand and graze her bare arm with finger tips watching the goosebumps on her skin rise. I make my way up to her neck and feel her deeply inhale. I stop myself at her chin and lift her face up so her eyes meet mine. "You have to anwser my question princess."

"Y-yes" she says lowly, "I l-like you." A smile creeps up on my face and grab her by the back of her head, wrapping my fingers in her hair and pull her to me making our lips smash together. I kiss her, trying to taste every inch of her sweet mouth. I snake my hand around her waist and pull her body to me, now her almost naked body is pressed against mine and I can feel her soft skin. We are still in the water so I make my way to her ass and bring her soft legs around my waist making us closer than before.

I feel her pull away after a minute trying to catch her breathe, I look at her and her cheeks are bright red and she realizes the position we are in right now. I think about kissing her again but figured we have all day for that. So instead I keep her legs wrapped around me and press on the small of her back so their is no space between us and we just stay like that looking into each other's eyes.

But it doesn't last too long because then I dunked the both of use under water warning me a scream from Emma and a small weak slap to the chest.

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