chapter 25

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Tristans POV

The sound of an alarm clock is blaring in my ears causing me too groan and cover my eyes. I quickly come too the realization that Emma and I are still cuddled up next too each other, god that was weird too think, me cuddling with some girl. I feel her groans vibrate against my chest as the alarm clock still goes off. She freezes for a second and her eyes shoot right open and she sits up quickly. "Oh um" she stutters through her sentence as her cheeks go bright red "sorry I didn't mean too." 

"Don't be sorry" I quickly respond, "you apologize too much. Plus I liked it." I say throwing a wink at her causing her cheeks to flush a whole other level of red. She reaches over me turning off the alarm but all I could focus on was her perky ass as she bent over, then suddenly I am very aware of the aching hard on happening downstairs. Not like these flimsy sweatpants are gonna do much too hide it plus whats the point she's already seen my dick. 

"No I don't want too go too school" I say in a whiney voice I didn't even know I had as I pulled Emma back on the bed by her hips resulting in a shriek of excitement escaping her. 

"God you're a baby" she says before she starts laughing as I plant a kiss on her neck. "You have too go today, you have a game." She says causing me too snap back into reality, I hate game days. I love football and playing more than anything but I hate everything before it, the cheery students in the hallways trying too talk too me, the prep rallies that we have too go too, the cheerleading squad distracting half the guys on the team. Everything before the game is just pointless and over hyped, if I didn't have too attend school in order too play I just wouldn't show up on game days. 

Emma gets out of my grasp and I feel empty from the loss of contact. She rummages through her drawer pulling out a couple of things too wear. I reluctantly get up and grab my clothes from yesterday, its not like anyone would notice I'm wearing the same thing as yesterday since most of my outfits are already similar. Emma grabs her clothes suddenly looks like a deer in headlights. Then she just walks out and into the bathroom and I hear the door shut. 

In a couple minutes she comes out in a cute pair of baggy white jeans and a tighter short sleeve kinda cropped shirt, this is probably the most revealing I've seen her dress and god is she pretty. I mean that in the most unperverted way possible, don't get me wrong I love her big hoodie, big pants combo but this is a great look too. 

"Did you just go to the bathroom to change" I say as she is looking into the mirror holding a thing of mascara. 

"Yes" she says shyly as she tries too focus.

"I saw your naked last night we don't really have anything too hide" I say and she makes an embarrassed face in the mirror too her self that I don't think she realizes I can see, "like I saw everything, your tits, your pussy, your ass-" I don't get too finish listing all the things I saw before Emma is walking around the room covering her ears like a child. 

"No more ew, ew ,ew" she starts too spurt out her eyes shut and ears still covered, which just sends me into a laughing fit. I stand up and grab her hand delicately from her ears causing her too meet my gaze. 

"I didn't get too finished, I was gonna say I saw everything and you're fucking beautiful and shouldn't hide yourself, especially from me." I say not sure where it all came from but the smile on Emma's face made me happy I did. 

Suddenly the door knocks, not just one but like twenty harsh knocks and I'm getting flashbacks from last night and definitely waken up. But Emma lets out a string of small curses under her breathe as she makes her way too the door, I follow closely behind her feeling a sense of protectiveness wash over me. She undos the lock and swings it open and I'm expecting too see her mom or the that pervert from last night but no.

Instead its a guy. A guy with bleach blonde hair, darker skin, bright orange overalls with a black long sleeve under. I notice he is holding too coffees in his hand and flashes a giant smile at Emma but is immediately thrown off by my presence. Like his jaw is on the floor almost, he looks like he saw a ghost. "Emma don't freak out but their is a man right behind you" he whispers too her causing me too hold back a chuckle. "Hold on I might be seeing things hold these" he says handing Emma the coffee and rubbing his eyes then looking back at me. "Nope he definitely real, holy shit."

"James this is Tristan, Tristan this is my best friend James." She says and I throw James a small wave, but he still looks shocked. Emma brings the coffee up too her lips taking a sip. 

"Oh my god Emma please tell me you're no longer a virgin" James said causing Emma to cough a little and choke on her coffee, not as much as she choked on my di-

"No, no, no James shut you're mouth" she snaps at her friend who throws his hands up in a fake surrender. "Oh shit Tristan we have too leave if we want too catch the bus" Emma says reaching for her bag. 

"We aren't taking the bus" I state sternly, I fucking hated the bus, "I texted Derek last night he's picking us up in about five minutes." I say taking her coffee and taking a swig of it. 

"Quick question" her friend James pipes in. I nod at him giving him permission too proceed.

"Is this Derek secure with his sexuality at all" he says making me let out a small chuckle, "cause I'm sure I can make him insecure about it" throwing me a wink at the end causing me too actually laugh.

"I mean I know the guy likes pussy, but you can give it a try" I say giving him a pat on the back for encouragement, "but honestly you can probably do better he's kinda a dick." I say looking back at Emma and seeing the bright smile on her face as she snatches the coffee back from me and we make our way too the street where Derek is waiting for us. 

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