chapter 14

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Emma's POV

It's Wednesday morning and I get up to complete my daily routine and make my way to the bus stop so I can read a little on the drive. I get to school and I feel a knot in my stomach, I have no clue how to act or what to do today about Tristan.

As I open the door I look around the atrium and don't see him anywhere, at least on this floor. That's a good thing because now I have till third period before I have to see him. I make my way to my class speed walking hoping to just make it inside as early as possible.

My Chemistry teachers door is open before class pretty much all morning so I walk in and see her talking to a couple of students who must have gotten here early as well. I sit down in my seat towards the back and let out a sign of relief.

However that relief doesn't last long when my first two classes fly by. I sat next to Kyla and I thought about telling her but I didn't want any rumors going around. And before I knew it I was dismissed from my class and it was time for Anatomy.

I walk to my class slower than usual trying to give myself a mental prep talk about staying cool and that everything will be okay. I make my way to the door and scan the classroom, Tristan isn't there yet so I go ahead and take my seat. My anxiety peaks as the minutes tick by closer and closer to the bell and still no sign of Tristan. My heart sinks into my stomach as the bell rings and Tristan isn't in the class.

The teacher tells us today is just a work day so just do whatever you need. I sit by myself in my chair and my thoughts and causing me to panic. I can't help but think that maybe he didn't show today because of me? Was the kiss not good? Was he embarrassed by me or something?

Suddenly Tristan comes into the classroom I look over at him and his eyes are already on me. "Hi Ms. Summer, Mr.A gave me this note. It says to excuse Emma and I for the period because we have to have a meeting with him." He says and I look back at him with confusion and he just winks back. Ms. Summer opens the note looks at it then waves us on to leave. I quickly gather my things and follow Tristan out the door.

"What does Mr.A need me for am I in trouble or something?" I ask and Tristan shushes me. "What?" I whisper as he leads me past the office to the front doors.

"We're ditching" he says and grabs my hand as we hurry out of the school.

"No,no,no way" I stammer, "Tristan I still have three classes left. How am I gonna know the homework or what's tomorrow? What if theirs a pop test or something and I miss it?" We stop at his car and he pulls my bag off of me and throws it in his car.

"Don't worry we will be back before the end of next period we are just going to go for a long lunch then head back." He says rubbing my shoulder in a reassuring way. I reluctantly get in the car and put in my seat belt and look over a Tristan who has a large carefree smile on his face indicating he's done this before.

"Why are we going out?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"Because it's fun and we don't have to be at school" he says mockingly. I slump back in the seat scared that we might get caught and be in trouble but once we past the school my nerves start to wear off. He pulls into an in and out drive thru. "What do you want?" He asks and I just shake my head no. "Your getting something, don't give me that bullshit." Then he just orders for me but I was truthful in what I said, his presence made me nervous so nervous my stomach just felt like a big knot.

He payed for our food even though I offered but his glare told me to back down. He grabbed the food but it in the backseat and I figured we'd drive to school but instead we got on the freeway. "Tristan where are we going?" I ask kinda scared.

"A spot I like to go." He says, I think of all the places he could take me. Is he taking me where he just takes other girls? Is he taking me somewhere and leaving me to die? I shake my head to get rid of the crazy thoughts. We drive for about 15 minutes making some small talk but nothing more.

He starts driving on this dirt road until he pulls off to the side of the road, he turns his car off and unbuckles his seat belt. "We gotta walk for a minute but it's not bad." He says and I nod getting out of the car. I look at my surroundings and we are in the middle of a forest where tall, full trees cover the land. He starts walking on a trail leading into the trees and motions me to follow which I do.

We walk for no more than a couple minutes till we reach a giant rock that we easily walk up since it was slanted like a cliff. We reach the top and I'm taken back by the view, you can see everything for miles, and below us is a bright blue lake. "You like it?" He asks and I realize that I had been too busy looking around to see the blanket he had laid out along with our food.

"I love it so much" I say and bright smile comes across his face.

"Don't just stand their come sit" he says motion into me to sit next to him on the small blanket. "Thanks for ditching with me." He says and I chuckle.

"Thanks for basically kidnapping me" I say and he rolls his eyes but a huge smile is present on his face.

"Anytime Emma."

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