chapter 9

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Emma's POV

"Emma get the fuck up" James says as he throws a pillow at me and I reach over and slammed down on the alarm clock.

"I don't want to go to school today" I complain and James gives me an annoyed glare.

"It's your second day you don't have the right to complain yet" he scolds me. "I however do, but if you excuse me I have to go get ready for hell." He says.

"Come by later tonight it's reality tv night" I say.

"You bet I'll be there, have fun at school and kiss Troy for me." He says winking at me then running to the door.

"It's Tristan dumbass" I say but he had already slammed the door and was gone. I take a quick shower than get ready for school and just wear a pair of mom jeans and I cozy sweatshirt. Maybe I can hide in this today and no one will see me I think too myself. That's the plan at least for today is to try to just blend in and not cause anymore trouble for myself. I do my hair and makeup like I do everyday just really simple and make my way to the bud stop.

Dylan still isn't home this morning so I shoot him a text that I'm leaving the house too which he responded that he'll see my tonight. I look up and my bud is pulling up, it's 7:00 so it's just enough time to get to school. I pull out my copy of The Great Gatsby to pass the time and before I knew it we were at my stop.

Once I got to school I was engulfed by the large crowd of students making their way to class. I didn't really pay attention to who was around me, I just kept my eyes on my feet making sure I don't clip anyone's ankles. But then I felt someone grab my shoulder and when I look up it's Kyla greeting me with a large bright smile. "Hey Em, ready for another day?"

"Yeah I think I am" I chuckle and we then get split up by a group of impatient boys pushing through the crowds of people. I make my way through the next two classes with ease, but when it's time for anatomy I'm dreading it.

I'm early to class and I sit down in my seat and pull out my materials making sure to keep a tight grip on them. Shockingly not more than a minute later Tristan hurries into the classroom and sits down next to me letting out a exasperated breath. I just keep my head down and wait for the class to start, but the awkward silence is obvious.

Ms. Summer starts her lecture and I'm taking as many notes as I can, she finishes the lesson and gives us the last ten minutes to talk to our partners but I don't really have anything to talk to Tristan about so I start highlighting my notes. I use the green for vocab and new words, yellow for processes, and orange for things I don't understand. I was about halfway through highlighting all my notes when Tristan reaches over and grabs them out of my hand. "Hey!" I say shooting him a glare and reaching for my pens.

"Sorry I couldn't stand you treating your notes like a damn coloring book" he jokes.

"Sorry I like to be organized" I snap back, "why are you always taking my things?"

"I don't know, it's fun" he smirks at me.

"For you."

"Oh please you were probably hoping I stole this from you."

"Yes, I sat here the whole class waiting for you too steal something of mine." I say sarcastically.

"Glad we are on the same page."

"Shut up and just give me my highlighters please." I plead.

"Well I wanted to talk to you." He says and I'm taken back by his gentle tone.

"About what?" I ask.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"That's none of your business."

"Imma take that as a no then." And just as he says that the bell rings.

"Can I please have my highlighters back so we can leave." I ask and he shoved them in his pocket.

"Go ahead come get them then." He leans back in the chair.Annoyed with these stupid games I'm not going to let him win so I reach over and grab them from his pocket. He is obviously shocked that I actually grabbed them but before he can say anything I walk out the door and flip him off.

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