chapter 24

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Tristan POV

My hands didn't hurt as much as she thought they did, I had been use too a couple busted knuckles here and there and I've had much worse. Plus the satisfaction of punching that pervert in the face made all the pain go away, however I did like her playing nurse and bandaging me up. She was shaken up by the whole thing obviously, so if this little thing would help her take her mind off it I would gladly sit here while she tried too take care of me. 

I didn't want too push her for too much information though, I mean I knew it was only her and her brother but I didn't know all the details of the situation. She finishes up on the last knuckle placing the bandage gently over the open wound and smoothing it out on my rough skin. She goes to pull her hands back too her but I gently intertwined my fingers into hers not letting her pull away. She keeps her head down avoiding my gaze, I hear a small sniffle come from her as she continues too look towards the ground. 

"Hey" I say tilting her face up too meet mine, seeing the few tears spill onto her cheeks I felt my heart clinch, "oh Em." Is all I manage too say, I've never been in a situation like this before and I honestly have no clue how too handle other peoples emotions. I don't think she wants me too say anything more because before I know it she wraps herself around me in a hug, her face buried into my t- shirt. The only thing I can think too do is too bring my arms around her softly, making sure not too hurt her as she felt so fragile in this moment. 

We stand there for a minute holding each other, this felt good, scary as shit but it felt good holding her in my arms. I feel her pull away too and I can't help but frown at the lost of contact. She looks less wounded up a little more relaxed. "Are you tired?" I ask looking at the clock seeing its about 11 o'clock. She shakes her head yes and I pull her out of the bathroom, her hand in mine leading her too her bedroom. I stand awkwardly as she sits on her bed not sure how to go about this, tonight was not going according too plan. "I-I can grab a blanket or something and sleep out on the couch-" I begin too say but am cut off by Emma. 

"Can you sleep with me" she asks and I suck in a large breathe, I know she didn't mean it that way but I couldn't help thinking about it. I nod my head yes trying too play it cool as I move into bed next too her, we are both on opposite sides of the twin size bed our arms barely grazing but that small touch gave me goose bumps. This is unchartered territory for me, I have been with girls before but never actually slept with them. Like the eyes closed in one bed drifting off and waking up in the morning. I actually have no clue what too do, so like a idiot I just lay there motionless staring up at ceiling. 

I can't go too sleep, its been like an hour and I just can't. She makes me nervous as much as I hate too admit it. Just when I think I might be able to finally close my eyes Emma rolls over too her side still asleep but now facing me. Her small arm ends up slinging over my chest causing heat too spark everywhere. Her body shifts as she tries too reposition herself and that causes her too be pushed closer too me. 

I slowly take my hand and brush the mass amount of hair that is now a complete mess out of her hair, god she is a crazy sleeper. I tuck the strands behind her ears revealing her perfect face, I realize this is the longest I've been able to look at her face since we meet. Usually I just gets glimpses of her cause she always breaks eye contact first and looks away. But now I can clearly see the small details in her face from the moon light shining through her window. I can see the small freckles on her nose, the curve of her nose, the tiny scar on the top of her head. 

Without thinking I just slip my arm under the crook of her neck and wrap it around her like I had seen in movies of couples cuddling. Except we aren't a couple, I mean I don't know I don't think we are at least. I've never had a girlfriend and honestly don't really want one. Relationships are distractions and honestly from every relationship I've been around they always tend too fall apart leaving both people more depressed and lonely than before. But she might think this is a relationship, I mean this is all new too her too. 

I don't really care honestly when the time comes it comes and I guess we will see what the hell happens,  but for right now I like this feeling of her laying in my arms. I feel protective and strong around her like this. Her heartbeat is slow and steady unlike mine which feels as if its about ready too bust out of my chest, but her small breaths on my chest make me more relaxed. The fidgeting with her hair also calms me down for some reason, the brushing it with my fingers and twisting it around in my hand gives me comfort that I didn't expect. 

Before I knew it my eyelids started getting heavy, I feel myself fully relaxed into the bed and Emma pulled completely into my body in a perfect fit helps me finally shut my eyes. And then I drift off into sleep with her hand on my chest and mine still tangled in her hair.

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