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tw: blood

*This is simply fiction do not practice anything in real life mentioned in this book*

Kaycee's POV

I was standing in the ER with my fellow residents close by giving attention to patients. I was beyond exhausted and still had 5 more hours to go into my shift but the woman screaming at me while I did her daughter's stitches definitely wasn't helping.

" My daughter came here 4 hours ago and we are just being seen now! This hospital is unbelievable don't even get me started with your patient service!"

" I am very sorry ma'am we are trying to help everyone as fast a possible but I can do her stitches right now and it should only take about half an hour!" I said trying to remain professional 

"That isn't good enough! You should learn to run this hospital better. I mean you aren't even a real doctor you should just quit while your ahead!" she screamed so loudly at me it made everyone turn to us.

To say that one through me for a loop would be an understatement. I took a deep breath and responded to her calmly. 

" Yes, ma'am like I said I am very sorry for your wait and I assure you I am very qualified to help you and your daughter."

" Just do the stitches so we can leave," she said rudely

I did the stitches as quick as possible just wanting the lady to leave. I finished them a bit later giving her the necessary information and discharging her. I sighed a breath of relief as I walked to the nurse's station and grabbed a coffee I just wanted the day to end so I go back to sleep.

" Are you okay?" Calum asked 

" Yeah just some crazy lady I'm fine" Ashton looked studying my face

" Do you want a break I'll cover for you" Ashton offered

" Oh no it's okay it was just a crazy lady nothing to freak out about, part of the job," I said honestly smiling to show them I was alright 

" Besides only two and a half hours to go!" I smiled leaving the station

We ended our shift and made our way into the locker room changing and grabbing our stuff before walking to our cars together.

" Well see you tomorrow guys" I said and waved earning a wave back.

I made my way into my car and headed to my apartment. It was kinda far from the hospital and on the not-so-nice side of town, Resident money wasn't the best but once I was done I would have a nicer one soon and I was rarely home anyways. I took a quick shower and jumped onto my bed falling asleep immediately.

.three months later.

I woke up for another day at work. I have really bonded with the boys they were my best friends now and Clark was now letting us have patient assignments in partners with the supervision of her course but it was still progress. It was about mid-day and we were all sitting in the empty lounge room eating our lunch and talking.

" Calum shut up you are literally trash at giving IV's you stabbed the guy like 5 times" Luke laughed

" Why are you even arguing who is best it's definitely me," I said making Micheal laugh

" Yeah right you take forever!" he stated

" At least I didn't blow the vein!"

Ashton just watched us eating his sandwich, trying to stay out of it. 

" Alright Micheal prove it" he smiled

" How" he questioned

" Just do it on me" I said pulling up my sleeve

" What no! If Clark finds out she will kill you" Ashton said putting down his food

" You said if," I said putting up my finger making him sigh

" I'm not condoning this behavior but I'll be here to keep her from passing out when you all fuck it up."

Micheal left with Calum to go secretly get an IV kit as we waited for them I ate my salad. They came back closing the door behind them.

" Did you get it?" I asked

" You bet your ass Evans"

" Alright then prove me right" I said putting out my arm

He put on his gloves and cleaned my arm I looked at Ashton as he inserted it making me squint my eyes.

" Ha, I did it!" I opened my eyes looking down at my arms as he celebrated

" No you didn't" I looked down seeing blood rush down my arm

" Oh my god Micheal!" Ashton yelled as he jumped up grabbing pads to clean it up with. I knew this was the perfect opportunity and I took it.

" I'm gonna pass out" I said looking to them

" No, no Kaycee you are not gonna pass out" Calum said rushing over to help Ashton

" I fucking knew it, This is so stupid" Ashton said still holding the pads to my vein

I faked some heavy breathing to really sell it.

" Kaycee god damn it" Micheal yelled holding pressure to my wrist.

" Kaycee you need to breathe with me in and out" I shook my head and fake fell into the chair behind me.

They all started to panic as Ashton began shaking to try to "wake me up" causing making me laugh.

" You bitch" he smiled

I couldn't stop laughing and Micheal looked disappointed

" You should have seen your faces"

" Not funny" 

" The bleeding stopped she's fine" Calum said throwing out the pads.

" beep beep"

Clark paged us.

" We're being summoned" I joked

We walked into her office and Ashton bumped my shoulder his eyes going to my wrist making me pull my sleeve down

" Assignments for today Irwin patient room 234," she said handing me the file I made wide eyes at the guys she assignment me to a case alone? Wow. 

" Okay uh, 28-year-old female Nicole Smith here recovering from a torn ACL she has received surgery a few days ago. Currently on pain medication so just monitor changes." I readout

" Hello, I'm Dr. Evans  how are you feeling today?"

"Good I'm not in any pain so that's good" she smiled

" That's amazing glad to hear!"

" I'm going to take your vitals quickly," I said placing a blood pressure cuff on her.

I then wrote them down onto her chart for today and gave her more pain medicine promising to check on her an hour from now. 

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