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Ashton's POV

It's been 2 hours since Kay passed out and we were all experiencing symptoms Luke had it worse only second to Kay.  The rest of us were just hot and dizzy like Kay said before, but thankfully not enough to make us unconscious. I sat next to her holding her hand. Every so often the monitor would go off due to her having symptoms of Apnea which basically meant she was holding her breath for a few seconds and then breathing again. 

The beep went off again as I watched her chest stay still, I jumped out of my chair alerting the guys. I put the oxygen mask to her face 

" Come on breathe for me Kay" I said shaking her a bit 

She stayed still 

" Shit page Clark!" I yelled making Calum pull out his pager 

I grabbed the Ambu bag giving it a few pumps to give her air, then put my ear to her chest hearing her breathe in. 

I put down the bag and put the oxygen mask back over her face letting out a heavy breath as they all looked at me. I carefully moved her over a bit in bed making enough room for me to lay next to her.  

Kaycee's POV

I blinked a few times trying to register what was going on. I was laying in a bed with Ashton  Luke passed out on the other bed with Micheal and Calum around him. I felt like I had been hit by a bus. Ashton was asleep and he looked peaceful so I decided not to wake him. I just rubbed his hand softly and his eyes opened a few minutes later.

" Hi," I said softly

" Hi" he returned

" How is everyone? Why is everyone here?" I asked

" That lady gave us all the same symptoms we don't know why Luke is the only other one that passed out but everyone is having symptoms," he said sitting up

" Wait, maybe it's because I took her blood, and Luke did her vitals we had the most contact"

" it's possible Clark and the chief took the case were quarantined here till they figure out what's wrong"

I woke up a few hours later still cuddled into Ashton while he talked to Calum who was awake.

" Clark said the women died in surgery they had to operate in suits with oxygen," Micheal said

" Jesus do they know why?" Aston asked

" Not yet Clark should be back soon " Calum answered

I grabbed the blanket pulling it over myself more.

" How are feeling," I asked Ashton he looked kinda pale

" i'm alright," he said I knew he was lying

I got up to check on Luke and Micheal. I got dizzy immediately from standing but chose to ignore it. I covered Ashton with the blanket and walked over to them.  Micheal had fallen asleep with his phone in one hand and coffee cup in the other making me chuckle. I slowly grabbed it out of his hands and put it on the table next to him. I grabbed the extra blanket and threw it on him.

 Once I gave everyone blankets I noticed Ashton had taken up my spot in the bed and was sleeping soundly. I was glad he needed some rest so I grabbed the stack of charts we had to do for Clark this week and sat on the chair next to him. I wasn't going to be able to sleep I might as well get something done.

About an half an hour later Clark walked in she was wearing full scrub in gear. 

" Evans nice to see you awake"

" Thank you, do they know what happened yet?" I asked

" Yes it seems your patient had toxic blood hence why you were the first to lose consciousness"

" toxic blood?!" I said

" Yes it is a strange case but we are working on a treatment for all of you at the moment so sit tight I'll come back when I know anything and try to get some rest," she said kindly leaving the room

 I must really be sick since Clark was being nice to me. I sighed and continued charting trying to get my mind off my symptoms.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to Luke yelling at Micheal.
" BRO STOP" Luke yelled

His yelling was not making my headache any better at the moment and was just pissing me off.

" Why are you yelling," I said getting up

" Micheal took my blanket!" Luke yelled like a 5-year-old

" Calm down there's one in the closet," I said getting up to get one throwing it to Micheal. Ashton sleepily walked in to see us followed by Calum

"  Clark came in before she said our patient had toxic blood"

" Toxic blood?" Ashton said

" That's so weird" Calum put in

" There working on a treatment now" I said yawning

I lost my balance and almost fell into Calum but he stopped me from swaying into the ground.

" Easy there" he joked

" Sorry " I laughed

" I would die for some tacos right now," Luke said

" Oh my god same" Calum agreed sitting down

" I want a margarita" I sighed

"Nope! not dealing with drunk Kaycee again"  Ash joked

" Oh come on she's fun" Micheal laughed

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