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Kaycee's POV 

       I sat on the table in the ER putting my weight onto Ashton as Micheal did stitches on my hairline. I was less freaked out as before but my shakes still continued a bit. 

" All done" Micheal said giving me a reassuring smile 

" we'll give you guys a minute" Luke said leading the others to the door leaving just Ashton and I 

" kay I'm sorry I should have gone with you I wasn't thinking-" I cut him off 

I just pressed my lips to his just wanting his hold at the moment. We continued the kiss for a minute before we wrapped our arms around each other silently. I made eye contact with him 

" It's no one's fault except the person responsible" I released the hug as he looked at me 

" plus my taser move was pretty badass" I joked lightening the tension 

He smiled 

" You Kaycee Williams are really something else" 

" come on" he grabbed my hand leading us back to the guys 

2 days later 

The weekend was over and we were back to work. We mostly just hung out and watched a few movies any time off we had was usually spend relaxing from the previous week. Thankfully the boards were coming up and I could start with Dr. Brown. I was nervous for the tests though I didn't know what to expect. I did my morning rounds as usually walking into Bailey's room we had talked over the weekend Ashton thought It would be good to talk to a girl after everything that happened. As usual he was right it did help, plus talking to Bailey always made me feel happier. We had a sister like relationship. 

" Bonjour medecin Williams" she said as I walked up to her 

" french?" 

" Oui, my mom just planned us a trip to see France next summer i've always wanted to travel there" 

" that sounds so amazing! strange how I wasn't invited" I joked 

" ha ha" she faked laughed 

" ah can't wait to sit in a cafe drinking coffee, some macarons maybe a nice french boy" 

I shook my head smiling 

" what can I say i'm a sucker for accents" she laughed 

" can't argue with that" 

" sadly Brown needs some blood for labs today" her smile turned into a disappointed look 

I put my hands up in defeat 

" do it for the macarons" 

" fine" she said giving me her hand 

I sent down her labs and was now in the ER by Clark she has been very distant lately just paging us to do her bidding. I just had to do a few patients before I could break for some lunch. I woke up later today so I didn't have a chance to eat breakfast today of course Calum lectured me in the car about that one. 

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