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Kaycee's POV

It was around 6 and we all got home. I was so tired from all the labs Brown made me run I was just going to take a shower and go to bed. I threw my bag down and went into my room to grab some clothes before taking a shower. Right when I put hand on the door Luke ran in front of me slamming the door behind him.
" really? I got here first " I said annoyed

" technically you didn't"

" luke just let me go first" I said done with his antics

" no! you take forever!" he complained

" I do not!"

" girl! boy! stop the fighting" Micheal walked into the hallway

" yes, Kaycee stop trying to cut me you have to wait your turn"

" okay fine luke be immature"

" i'm going to use all of the hot water" he threatened

I lunged at him hoping to push him out of the bathroom only to be grabbed by Micheal.  Calum walked into the hallway confused

" what's with the fighting and why are you holding Kaycee?"

" the children were fighting"

" Ashton come get your girl!" he yelled making me laugh

A Day Later

It was just a normal day at work that I wanted to end. The work didn't bother me but me and Ashton had planned a cute mini golf date after work and I was determined to beat him. I talked some trash about beating him earlier only to remember I was terrible at golf.

Clark had paged me to her office which was kinda alarming as she had barely spoken to us in the past few weeks. I made my way down to her office running into the boys in the hallway.

" why did clark page you?" Ashton asked

" no idea" I shrugged

" oooo your in troubl-" Micheal started before being hit by Calum

" thanks guys so supportive as always" I said blowing them a sarcastic kiss as I walked in front of her door.
I knocked lightly before she told me to come in

" you paged doctor?" I asked

" yes, I wanted you to show our new inter around for a few weeks allow him to view some of your cases."

" yes, of course" I agreed knowing it was more of a rhetorical question

" great! this is doctor Jacob Harris" she said introducing me to the man sitting in the chair next to her reading a Vogue magazine.

" it's nice to meet you i'm Kaycee" I said smiling to which he looked up in response and smiled nicely.

Clark sent us away Jacob following close behind me as I went to pick up some labs.

" Harris? the name sounds familiar" I asked

" yes, my father is the vice president of the board" he replied emotionless

" okay so rounds, we have 4 patients today 2 cardio 2 general. Should be easy just the regular workups" I mumbled changing the topic

I walked into our first patients room reading their chart to Jacob quizzing him on the next steps.

" okay so your patient has stomach and chest pain which is being treated with IV medications what are the next steps" I asked

" uh conducting a cardio workout and upping pain medication" he said quickly

" no the patient should stay at the same dose and be taken for blood work and scans before wasting cardio's time without any scans" I said annoyed knowing it was a basic question

" listen I know your trying to impress me with all this smarter than you bullshit but eventually you will realize I will succeed higher than you" he said as I scoffed

This was going to be a long few weeks.

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