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Kaycee's POV

After the long day I finally met Ashton by the car for our date. I smiled immediately seeing the goofball I called my boyfriend. He was leaning against the car eyeing me out.

" eyes up here mister " I joked walking up to the car

" yes ma'am" he smiled at me

I stared at him through his cheeky grin, I smiled back and closed the same between us with a kiss. It lasted for a good 30 seconds before I broke it apart making him frown

" come on I have to beat your ass in mini golf" I said as I made my way into the car.

" in your dreams!"

We got to the mini golf place buying some tickets and grabbing the clubs, I chose a green ball and Ash picked a yellow one so we could tell who's is who's. I went first knocking my ball close to the hole, I stuffed past Ash jokingly after my good shot. He set up his shot and managed to get a hole in one even surprising himself.

" I think i'm going to quit my intern job and become a pro golfer, go to all the fancy country clubs drink expensive alcohol. Doesn't sound like a bad life"

" if you became a pro golfer we would be poor" I laughed

" seriously though what do you see for your future" he asked as I knocked my ball into the hole

" I know its early in our relationship but I see us in the future, as for my career maybe chief of neuro hopefully researching potential cures. Ever since I remember i've always wanted to be a mom eventually have kids of my own."

" I could see that, us a cute house kids running around. I don't have a plan necessarily I just want you and to be happy going with whatever happens." he looked down at me closing the space between us with a kiss.

" don't try to distract me Irwin" I joked picking up my ball and walking to the next hole.

After an hour we were both tired sitting in a park bench I had brought us a giant snow cone which seemed like a good idea at the moment but was now causing stomach aches between the both of us.

" i'm never eating snow cones again" I wined laying down on the bench seat

" nope never again"

" give me like an hour before I can drive home" Ash groaned

It wasn't clear who had won in golf I think we were equally bad. After our stomach aches had subsided we headed for the car a few minutes later and headed home. The guys had gone out to dinner so it was just us at the house. I changed into some comfortable clothes and cuddled in Ashton's bed watching friends.

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